RICS (International Relations and Development Cooperation)
SSD | insegnamenti |
1st year | ||
IUS/21 | Comparative constitutional law | 9 |
SECS-P/02 | International economic and financial policy | 9 |
One exam of your choice, to be chosen from the following: Contemporary history of the Americas |
6 |
English language preparation lectureship | 3 | |
Workshop: Approaches to Empires in modern history of Africa: from colonialism to globalisation | 3 | |
SPS/04 | International affairs | 9 |
SPS/02 | Political thought of globalisation | 6 |
SPS/08 | Sociology of international journalism | 6 |
L-LIN/12 | English studies | 6 |
Workshop: Geographical information systems | 3 | |
Total 1st year | 60 | |
2nd year | ||
IUS/13 IUS/13 |
One exam of your choice, to be chosen from the following: International protection of the individual International environmental law |
6 |
SPS/04 SPS/13 |
One exam of your choice, to be chosen from the following: Peace building and transformation of conflicts International relations and development in Africa |
6 |
L-LIN/01 ICAR/02 |
One exam of your choice, to be chosen from the following: Language policies and rights Management and communication of natural risks |
6 |
6 | ||
L-LIN/07 SPS/09 |
Educational activities of your choice: Language and institutions of Hispanic countries (6 ECTS credits) Spanish language lectureship (3 ECTS credits) Workshop: New forms of international cooperation: project design and management (3 ECTS credits) Workshop: Citizen science for water and environment (3 CFU) |
12 |
SPS/06 | History of international relations | 6 |
Internship | 6 | |
Final exam | 18 | |
Total 2nd year | 60 |