WIDERA Teaming for Excellence 2025 Tipologia:
Internazionale Programma:
Horizon Europe Disparities in R&I performance are due to, among other reasons, the insufficient critical mass of science and lack of centres of excellence having sufficient competence to engage countries and regions strategically in a path of innovative growth. Teaming is responding to this challenge establishing new centres of excellence or modernising existing ones with the help of leading EU or AC partnering institutions. This will help countries to increase their R&I intensity and to attain a competitive position in the European R&I system and globally, especially by becoming drivers of change. Project results are expected to contribute to all of the following expected outcomes:
Scope: Teaming is one of the actions that stimulates the European Union to exploit its potential by maximising and spreading the benefits of research and innovation. It is vital for its competitiveness and its ability to address societal challenges. The Teaming action is designed to support the creation of new centres of excellence or modernising the existing ones in low R&I performing countries (except those centres of excellence that have already benefitted from previous Teaming calls). It is building on partnerships between leading scientific institutions in the European landscape and the main beneficiary institutions in low R&I performing countries that display the willingness to engage together for this purpose. This can help countries that are lagging behind in terms of research and innovation performance attaining a competitive position in the global value chains. Leading scientific institutions are established strategic partners that have developed an outstanding reputation in research and innovation excellence in the chosen scientific domain. Institutions that are still in the process of development or modernisation, e.g., those that are still receiving support as coordinators from widening actions under Horizon 2020 or Horizon Europe, are normally not considered leading institutions, unless a proper justification is provided in the proposal. In order to maximise impact of research and innovation on society, environment and economy at large and to contribute in particular to the achievement of the European Union’s objectives, funding must be coherent and work in synergy. This notion is highly relevant for the Teaming action, where a complementary source of funding from a national (or regional or European or private source) is required. The implementation of Teaming action is expected to become an influential and meaningful bridge particularly between smart specialisation strategies and excellence in R&I with the aim of strengthening the European Research Area and contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals. Whatever the source of the required complementary source of funding, a Teaming project, as a notable flagship in its host country, exemplifies not only the achievements in R&I, capacity building or competitiveness, but also sets and facilitates synergies in practice. The evaluation of the complementary source of funding part may use additional criteria required by, where relevant, the Cohesion Policy programmes and/or legislation. The managers of the complementary funding should apply to the operations the categories, maximum amounts and methods of calculation of eligible costs established under Horizon Europe. In addition, they should be able to apply Art.25 (d) of the revised General Block Exemption Regulation. Proposals may be evaluated by an additional panel of experts with specific knowledge on complementary funding sources. In the first stage of evaluation the R&I excellence and the conceptual approach for the centres of excellence will be evaluated. Applicants should present a strategic vision on how to develop R&I excellence beyond the state of the art in the chosen domain and on how the co-ordinator will benefit from the partnership with a leading institution from abroad. In case of modernisation of an existing centre, the proposal should clearly indicate the development path from the initial baseline situation until the end of the project and its justification. In addition, the conceptual approach should outline how the access to complementary funding from other sources will be ensured, in the respect of national, regional and/or European strategies or policy priorities (e.g., notably smart specialisation strategies, Green Deal, Digital transformation). Proposals also should sketch out briefly how the autonomy of the envisaged centre will be ensured and the necessary human resources recruited and retained. Proposals invited to the second stage must include an investment plan for the full project including a binding commitment for the necessary complementary funding. At a detailed level the full proposal should:
Proposals should illustrate quantitatively and qualitatively the expected potential impact of the project and its expected results in terms of new local and international research and innovation partnerships, institutional and/or R&I system changes (various levels), increased research intensity (i.e. new scientific publications directly linked to the project’s area, protected IPR). Proposals are encouraged to choose any additional relevant indicators that will be used for measuring the impacts achieved. The JRC, as non-funded member of the consortium selected for funding or as an associated partner, can contribute to the action with specific expertise, where relevant, for the development of R&I strategies depending on the R&I domain chosen by the project, technology transfer and IPR management as well as linking up to regional smart specialisation strategy. Specific attention should be paid to gender equality objectives, in line with the organisations’ commitments through their adopted gender equality plans, and in line with the European Research Area objectives. Bando:
Scadenza: 10 aprile 2025 (Deadline dates 10 April 2025 17:00:00 Brussels time 20 January 2026 17:00:00 Brussels time)
Nazionale Programma:
MUR Call for Joint Actions and Programmes in the framework of the Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation in fields of Science, Technology and Innovation 2025-2027 Between Italy and Uzbekistan JOINT CALL 2025: OPENING DATE: January 16 th , 2025 - CLOSING DATE: April 15th, 2025 The Ministry of Universities and Research of the Italian Republic and the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, hereinafter referred to as the “Participants”, recognise the significance of science and technology in the development of the national economy and the socio-economic standards of life. Considering the positive collaboration developed over the course of the last decades, the abovementioned Ministries intend to further strengthen cooperation in science, technology and innovation between Italy and Uzbekistan. The Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation in fields of science, technology and innovation, signed on 10 November 2023 in Tashkent, aims at further strengthening cooperation in science, technology and innovation between the Participants through the implementation of joint activities aimed at supporting scientific and industrial research projects, mobility of researchers and innovative research infrastructures. Within the framework of the aforementioned MoU and the Management Plan signed on 17 September ‘24 between the Directorate General for Internationalization and Communication of the Italian Ministry of Universities and Research and the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan are opening a call for proposals in fields of science, technology and innovation for the years 2025-2027. For further information, please contact representatives of the national funding organizations (see contact details in Section 5.3). http://www.ricercainternazionale.mur.gov.it/notizie/2025/call-for-joint-ri-actions-italy-%E2%80%93-uzbekistan-pre-announcement.aspx
Scadenza: 15 aprile 2025