fbpx Advanced training course "Maria Montessori: pedagogy for peace" | Università per Stranieri di Perugia

Advanced training course "Maria Montessori: pedagogy for peace"

Maria Montessori, i colori della bandiera della pace e il titolo del corso

A.Y. 2023-2024

APPLICATION DEADLINE: May 20th 2024, 2:00 p.m. (italian time)

List of accepted applications and instructions for confirming the enrollment (pdf)

Peace is based on the very nature of man. It is a unique and universal principle. This principle must lead to the realization of the science of peace and the education of men for peace.

M. Montessori

In the heart of Umbria, renowned for its association with the notable pacifist Aldo Capitini and Saint Francis of Assisi, Maria Montessori chose this region as the backdrop for her inaugural lectures at the University for Foreigners of Perugia in 1949. Within the lectures on "La formazione dell'uomo", she laid the groundwork for her innovative pedagogy. Today, Montessori educators and trainers from across the globe converge at this historic institution, where they explore the intersections of Montessori pedagogy, inclusion, and peace education, drawing inspiration from the very landscapes that influenced Maria Montessori's transformative ideas.

Teachers and Montessori trainers who complete this course will not only have the opportunity to study in the places visited by Maria Montessori, but they will also be active participants in dialogues and discussions on best educational practices related to the themes of inclusion and peace education.

 For further information: p4p@unistrapg.it



Teaching method: blended
Language: English
Credits: 6
Registration methods and costs:
Registration for the entire course (June 10th - July 26th, 2024) €1200
Registration for the remote-only part (June 10th – July 5th, 2024) €400
Number of participants:
Registration for the entire course: minimum 10 - maximum 30
Registration for the remote-only part: there is no maximum number

The course is aimed at Montessori teachers and trainers from around the world who primarily work with the 3–6 age group. It is also open to anyone who wants to become familiar with Montessori pedagogy or is interested in exploring topics such as the principles of non-violence, pacifist movements, pacifist theories of the last century, children's rights in armed conflicts, and the promotion of cultural and civilizational encounters in schools.


The course aims to offer an in-depth program focusing on specific cultural and pedagogical topics. It combines theoretical aspects, practical experience, and empirical research.

At the end of the course, participants will have acquired specific skills that will enable them to:

  1. Develop and articulate a critical perspective on current issues related to wars around the world and the international rights of children.
  2. Share thoughts and ideas with colleagues, building moments of dialogue and sharing good teaching practices.
  3. Promote peace education, starting from early childhood education.
  4. Enhance observational practices in the classroom.
  5. Create tools for observing specific individual elements.


Italian Laurea triennale or First cycle foreign academic qualification.

Good knowledge of the English language is recommended for a successful involvement in the educational activities.


The course is divided into two parts:

  • ONLINE COMPONENT (June 10th – July 5th, 2024)
    For the online part, two modules will be uploaded within the University's Moodle platform "Learning OnLine" (LOL):
    • Children and Wars: Peace, Rights, Health, and Education
    • Languages and Human Rights in the Philosophy of Non-Violence

    Each of the two modules includes recorded video lectures, synchronous lectures on Teams, supplementary materials, and online activities. A tutor and IT support will be available for the participants in their engagement with activities. It is possible to just enrol for the online part of the course!

  • IN-PERSON COMPONENT (July 15th – 26th, 2024)

    The in-person part of the course will be inaugurated on July 15th, 2024, with the symposium "Maria Montessori: Pedagogy for Peace," held at the Aula Magna of Palazzo Gallenga, Perugia (Italy). This event will feature distinguished speakers discussing peace-related topics and will be open to external participation.

    The in-person component includes two modules:

    • Educating for Peace in a World of Wars, Promoting Encounter, Beauty and Health
    • Education for Equality and Inclusion

    There will be lectures, group work, and guided educational visits to the Sacred Convent Library of Assisi and Villa Montesca in Città di Castello.
    A field observation workshop at the Santa Croce Kindergarten School in Perugia (Italy) will also be conducted.

    What is the workshop about? (Practical workshop activities)
    The participants will observe educational activities conducted by children between the age of 3 and 6 at the Santa Croce Kindergarten in Perugia (Italy), where Maria Montessori personally established the historic experimental classroom. Direct observation will be carried out using coding schemes developed during the theoretical part of the course to gather data. This process aims to refine tools for observing children's behaviour in educational contexts. In this way, tools for observing children's behaviour in educational contexts can be refined. During this phase, participants will observe teaching practices and learning processes that emerge from classroom activities. The direct observation phase will be followed by the drafting of observational protocols, which will then be shared and discussed among participants organized into groups. The workshop will focus on in-depth exploration of the following themes:
    - Art and Music
    - Intercultural Education
    - Nutrition and Health
    - Childhood play
    - Children’s Drawing

 Course program
 Course calendar


Attendance of the course is mandatory. An assessment will take place at the end of each module, and the training program will conclude with a final exam, which will consist of discussing a project work developed by the participant.

At the end of the course, a certificate will be issued, attesting to the participation in the Advanced Training Course 'Maria Montessori: Pedagogy for Peace' Academic Year 2023/2024, with the recognition of 6 Credits.

What are credits?
Credits quantify for the work carried out by the participant during their course of study. This work includes hours of lectures, workshops or internships attendance, participation in online activities (such as synchronous or asynchronous lectures and the completion of activities or exercises), and individual study.
1 credit = 25 hours of work

  1. Please read the Admission Notice for the Course carefully (see the yellow box at the bottom of the page).
  2. Register on the PICA platform (if you are not already a registered user).
  3. Submit the admission application through the online procedure available on PICA (the link is in the grey box at the bottom of the page).
    APPLICATION DEADLINE: May 20th 2024, 2:00 p.m. (Italian time).
    Please note that the admission application will be accepted in chronological order of arrival!
  4. Wait for the confirmation of admission to the Course: after the deadline of the Admission Notice, the list of admitted candidates will be published on this page by May 22nd.
  5. Confirm the enrolment by paying the registration fee (deadline for payment: May 29th 11:59 p.m. Italian time).

 For more information and support, please contact: P4P@unistrapg.it


Scientific Director
Prof. Cristina Gaggioli

Executive Committee
Prof. Cristina Gaggioli (Course Director)
Dr. Giorgia Montanucci (University for Foreigners of Perugia (Unistrapg) PhD candidate in "Linguistics and Language Teaching")

Scientific Committee
Prof. Dianella Gambini (Montessori Working Group Coordinator)
Prof. Francesca Malagnini (Rector’s delegate for the Master's Programs, Advanced Training, and Education)
Prof. Cristina Gaggioli (Course Director)
Prof. Giacomo Nencioni (Rector’s delegate for Communication)
Architect Matteo Ferroni (Scientific contact of the Santa Croce Kindergarten School for the Collaboration Agreement with Unistrapg)


Carlo Belli
University researcher, professor of "International Relations" and "Peace Building and Conflict Transformation" at the University for Foreigners of Perugia.

Giulia Cenci
Psychologist and psychotherapist, adjunct professor of "Developmental Psychology" at the Faculty of Education Sciences at the University of Perugia.

Laura Dalla Ragione
Psychiatrist, Head of the Psychiatric Complex Operative Unit and Rehabilitation Unit for Eating Behaviour Disorders at the Local Health Authority 1 (USL 1) of Umbria.

Floriana Falcinelli
Full professor of Educational Teaching and Instructional Technologies at the Faculty of Education Sciences at the University of Perugia.

Matteo Ferroni
Graduated in Switzerland from the Mendrisio Academy of Architecture, he is member of the Board of Directors of the Santa Croce Montessori School in Perugia and President of the Eland Foundation.

Cristina Gaggioli
University researcher, professor in Special Education and Pedagogy”, and Rector’s Delegate for Learning Disorders and Disabilities at the University for Foreigners of Perugia.

Stefano Ragni
Graduated in Theoretical Philosophy, professor in "History of Music" and piano teaching at the University for Foreigners of Perugia.

Borbala Samu
Associate professor of Modern Language Teaching, professor in "Language Didactics", "Intercultural Communication", and "Intercultural Pragmatics" at the University for Foreigners of Perugia.

Stefania Scaglione
Associate professor of Linguistics and Rector's Delegate for Education, professor in "Linguistics of Multicultural Societies", "Sociolinguistics of Migration", and "Language and Society" at the University for Foreigners of Perugia.

Giovanna Scocozza
Full professor of Language and Translation - Spanish Language, lecturer in "Spanish Language and Culture" and "Language and Institutions of Hispanic Countries" at the University for Foreigners of Perugia.


Santa Croce Kindergarten School logo

With the sponsorship:

logo del Comune di Perugia

logo Centro studi Villa Montesca

logo Basilica di San Francesco Assisi
Sacro Convento di San Francesco in Assisi

logo "Association Montessori Internationale"