fbpx UNESCO IHP - Region 1 meeting | Università per Stranieri di Perugia

UNESCO IHP - Region 1 meeting

da Mercoledì, 14 giugno 2017 - 00:00 a Venerdì, 16 giugno 2017 - 00:00
Goldoni Room - Palazzo Gallenga




Organized by


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Meeting Program

  Program (pdf)


14:30 – 18:30


in occasion of IHP-UNESCO Region 1 meeting, held in Perugia on June 15th-16th 2017, the Italian National Committee of IHP-UNESCO jointly to the MOXXI-IAHS Working Group (http://iahs.info/Commissions--W-Groups/Working-Groups/MOXXI.do) promotes a workshop with the aim to provide an overview of research activities of the Italian scientific community concerning hydrological observations.

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Opening & Introduction
Giovanni Paciullo, Rector University for Foreigners of Perugia
Lucio Ubertini, Italian National Committee of IHP-UNESCO
Armando Brath, University of Bologna
Salvatore Grimaldi, Tuscia University

Communications & open discussion
Flavia Tauro, Tuscia University, MOXXI-IAHS
Chiara Biscarini, University for Foreigners of Perugia
Fernando Nardi, University for Foreigners of Perugia
Elena Ridolfi, University of Perugia
Angelica Tarpanelli, IRPI - CNR, Perugia
Stefania Camici, IRPI - CNR, Perugia
Serena Ceola, University of Bologna
Alessio Domeneghetti, University of Bologna
Giuseppe Ciraolo, University of Palermo
Nunzio Romano, University of Naples Federico II
Salvatore Manfreda, University of Basilicata

Health break

Conclusions and future plans
Salvatore Manfreda, University of Basilicata
Salvatore Grimaldi, Tuscia University

Welcome Reception


UNESCO IHP Region 1 Meeting

11:00 – 13:00
Registration - Opening and Welcome remarks

13:00 – 14:30
Lunch break

14:30 – 14:35
Adoption of the Agenda

14:35 – 15:30
Report about the Intergovernmental Council (IC) Meeting June 2016

15:30 - 16:00
IC status - current status

16:00 – 16:30
Health break

16:30 – 17:30
Experiences of the cooperation of the IHP Secretariat in Paris with the UNESCO Category 2 Centers

17:30 - 18:00
IHP WINS Platform

Social Banquet

FRIDAY 16th JUNE 2017

UNESCO IHP Region 1 Meeting

9:30 – 11:00
Upcoming 23nd Intergovernmental Council in 2018

11:00 – 11:30
Health break

11:30 - 12:00
National reports on IHP activities and priorities from water chairs, centers and NatComs (oral)

12:00 - 13:00
Future cooperation, action plans and joint activities

13:00 – 14:30
Lunch break

14:30 - 16:00
Wrap-up of the meeting and date and location of the next meeting - COP23 Bonn

Meeting venue

Perugia, Italy Perugia is the capital of the Province of Perugia and the Umbria Region, being located in central Italy. The town is of Etruscan origin and contains more than 160,000 inhabitants.

The Acropolis of Perugia (about 490 m a.s.l.) is built on two contiguous hills: the Collina del Sole and the Collina Landone and was selected by the Etruscans because of its rich water environment. The oldest urban center is enclosed by walls dating from the 3rd Century B. C., that are themselves incorporated into a medieval fortification (14th Century).

The latter fortification encompasses the five villages (or districts) that have developed along the five main hill ridges towards the surrounding suburbs. This expansion took place in five directions, corresponding to the five Etruscan doors and has given the city a stellar shape that Renaissance architect Leon Battista Alberti compared to the fingers of a hand. Its rich history is well represented by the works of art housed in the most representative cities, and the numerous monuments that characterize the urban profile of its historic center.

Among these monuments is first and foremost the Fontana Maggiore, built in the 13th Century. after construction of the aqueduct through which water was channeled to the center of the city, and which is still accessible today. In the same Piazza IV November is the Cathedral of San Lorenzo, which was completed during the 15th Century.

The Palazzo dei Priori built between the 14th and 16th Century, is now the Town Hall of the Municipality of Perugia, and hosts the superintendence of cultural and ethno-anthropological heritage of the Umbria Region. The Palazzo dei Priori also contains the National Gallery of Umbria, the region's most important museum, and where visitors can admire works of artists such as Pinturicchio, Perugino, Pietro della Francesca, Gentile da Fabriano, and other work of arts covering a time span between the 13th and 19th Century.

Among the many other architectural works worthy of mention is Rocca Paolina, a fortress built by Pope Paul III in 1540, at the end of the Salt War, in which Perugia fought against the Papal State imposing taxes on the importation of marine salt. Only one wing remains of this monumental building, designed by Sangallo the Young, one of the greatest military engineers of the 16th Century.

In this highly suggestive scenario, and rich history, art and science surroundings, many cultural activities take place, making Perugia one of the most dynamic and attractive Italian cities. The best globally-known initiatives range from international music festivals (Umbria Jazz) to promotion of economic activities and crafts (Umbria Books), and from local confectionery production (Eurochocolate) to large conferences in the field of media and information (International Journalism Festival), architecture (FestArch) and science (Perugia Science Fest).

Umbria is also known as the Green heart of Italy with interesting surrounding towns and villages and in particular. For more information about Umbria, please visit the following websites:

Meeting location

The University for Foreigners of Perugia, whose principle aim is the promotion and the diffusion of Italian Language and Culture in all its expressions all over the world, will host the Conference in its main building, Palazzo Gallenga.

Palazzo Gallenga-Stuart is located in the historical city centre of Perugia, near the impressive Etruscan Arch. The Palace, in late Baroque style, was built between 1748-58 by the architect Pietro Perugino Carattoli and designed by Francesco Bianchi.

During the 1930's the American Count Frederich Thorne Rider financed the construction of the west part of the building which remains unfinished. The façade is punctuated by columns and brick cornices separating the large windows. The interior is decorated with frescoes by Giuli and Carattoli. In the main hall you can admire the painting of The Glorification of Rome by the futurist painter Gerardo Dottori.

The small palace theatre saw Carlo Goldoni perform there when he was a child. Piazza Fortebraccio, where the palace is situated, is also called Grimana in memory of Cardinal Marino Grimani, who promoted its construction in 1536 to fill in the hollow separating the walled city from the Sant'Angelo hamlet.

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