Progetto PRIN 2015, realizzato con il finanziamento del MIUR
Combined Numerical and Experimental Methodology for fluid Structure Interaction in free Surface flows under impulsive loading
This project addresses the grand challenge of the fluid-structure interaction in impulsive events with the presence of a free-surface flow. In particular, we will develop an integrated theoretical-numerical-experimental methodology merging together the experience of the partners in their areas of expertise, namely the fluid dynamics simulation techniques, the dynamic modeling of solids and structures, the experimental techniques developed within the water entry problems and the Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) Sensor devices for strain measurements.
Special PRIN Session: Hull Slamming and Water-Entry Problems
ICNAAM 2017 - 15th international conference of numerical analysis and applied mathematics
29 September 2017, Thessaloniki, Greece
Organizer: Prof. Giacomo Falcucci, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”
Cooperation Perspectives, Yazd Univesity (Iran) - University of Perugia
September 25, 2017 School of Engineering UNiversity of Perugia
Prof. Farhad Nejadkoorki
Second PRIN meeting
5th september 2017 Univesity of Tuscia, Viterbo
Kick-off MEETING
14th february 2017 University for Foregners Perugia