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Renato Tomei

Renato Tomei
Professore di II fascia
ANGL-01/C (ex L-LIN/12)
Dipartimento di Scienze umane e sociali internazionali (SUSI)
Nota biografica: 

Renato Tomei (PhD) is Associate Professor of English Language and Translation at the University for Foreigners of Perugia, Italy, where he teaches ESPs (English for Advertising, Business English, Professional English). 

As a researcher, he has conducted extensive research in Africa and Jamaica in the field of Afro-Caribbean and postcolonial studies and World Englishes. His recent studies focus on Translanguaging in youth-speak and migration-related cotexts. 

He is the author of Jamaican Speech Forms in Ethiopia (2015), Advertising Culture and Translation (2017), and the co-author of Law, Language and Translation (2015) and Description and Translation in the Caribbean (2016). 

Renato Tomei is also a social activist and music author and performer, with the name of Ras Tewelde. 


Articles in scientific journals

  1. Tomei, Renato (2023). Re-locating a Sacred Space: From Mount Zion to the New Jerusalem in the mystic poetics of Rastafari. ENGLISH ACADEMY REVIEW, vol. 40, ISSN 1013-1752. 
  2. Tomei, Renato (2022). International and Italian Reggae as a Tool of Counter-narrative: Songs and Lyrics on the Colonial Experience in Ethiopia. ATEM ARCHIVES OF TEXT AND MUSIC STUDIES, vol. 7, p. 1-20, ISSN: 2707-4102, doi: 10.15203/ATeM_2022_2.09
  3. Tomei, Renato (2022). South African Landscapes: Alan Paton’s Cry, the Beloved Country in Translation and on the Screen. ENGLISH ACADEMY REVIEW, vol. 39, p. 45-62, ISSN: 1013-1752, doi: 10.1080/10131752.2022.2112814
  4. Tomei, Renato (2022). Translation and colonial landscapes: Ethiopia in A Time to Kill by Ennio Flaiano. FORUM ITALICUM, ISSN: 0014-5858, doi: 10.1177/00145858221130427
  5. Tomei Renato e Chetty Rajendra (2021). Translanguaging strategies in multimodality and audiovisual translation. SOUTHERN AFRICAN LINGUISTICS AND APPLIED LANGUAGE STUDIES, vol. 39, p. 55-65, ISSN: 1607-3614, doi: 10.2989/16073614.2021.1909486
  6. Tomei, Renato (2020). Chaka Zulu and the translation of landscape and sacred space. GENTES, vol. VII, p. 125-145, ISSN: 2283-5946
  7. Tomei Renato e Hollington Andrea (2020). Transatlantic linguistic ties: The impact of Jamaican on African youth language practices. LINGUISTICS VANGUARD, vol. 6, p. 1-11, ISSN: 2199-174X, doi: 10.1515/lingvan-2019-0048
  8. Tomei Renato e Chetty Rajendra (2017). A Youth Counter-Narrative on Trafficking and Smuggling from Africa to Europe. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AFRICAN RENAISSANCE STUDIES, vol. 12, p. 19-32, ISSN: 1753-7274, doi: 10.1080/18186874.2017.1401272
  9. Tomei, Renato (2017). Contact Languages Counteracting Language Planning Policies: A New Lingua Franca in the Oromia Region (Ethiopia). CULTUS, vol. 10, p. 108-123, ISSN: 2035-2948
  10. Tomei, Renato (2016). Perdite culturali: un approccio eco-linguistico alla fitonimia caraibica. GENTES, vol. Anno III, numero 3, p. 187-193, ISSN: 2283-5946
  11. Tomei, Renato (2015). Capish?! A linguistic journey and a final repatriation. GENTES, vol. Anno II, p. 105-117, ISSN: 2283-5946
  12. Tomei Renato e Masiola Rosanna (2013). Gender in Blackness. Stereotyping in Children's Literature, Media and Political Discourse. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CROSS-CULTURAL STUDIES AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMUNICATION, vol. 2, p. 147-164, ISSN: 2285-3324, doi: 10.5682/22853324
  13. Tomei, Renato (2013). The essence of light: Sacred texts in translation. BABEL, vol. 59, p. 184-208, ISSN: 0521-9744, doi: 10.1075/babel.59.2.04tom

Contributions in volumes 

  1. Tomei Renato e Pardeilhan Max (2023) Challenging the shortcomings of traditional translation in Migration contexts: a Translinguistic proposal for professionals in the Humanitarian sector. In: Declercq C e K. Kerremans (a cura di) Routledge Handbook of Translation, Interpreting and Crisis (HaTrIC), Londra: Routledge *
  2. Tomei, Renato (2022). English for Migration: Interaction between African Refugees and Professionals in the Humanitarian Sector. In: Musacchio M T (a cura di) Thinking Out of the Box in Language, Literature, Cultural and Translation Studies, Padova: Padova University Press *
  3. Tomei, Renato (2022). Jamaric Reggae: Jamaican Speech Forms in Contemporary Ethiopian Reggae Music. In: A. Hollington, J. T. Farquharson e B. M. Jones Jr. (a cura di) Contact Languages and Music. p. 284-312, Kingston: The University of the West Indies Press, ISBN: 9789766409234
  4. Tomei, Renato (2021). Popular Music e Contro-narrazione: l’esperienza coloniale in Etiopia attraverso i testi di musica Reggae italiana. In: Tomei R, Gabellone A R (a cura di) Fascismo, Antifascismo e Colonialismo. p.171-202, Pisa: Pacini Editore, ISBN:9788869958472
  5. Tomei, Renato (2018). Ethiopian Enigmas and Ambiguity in Translation. In: Tomei R (a cura di) Translating Ethiopia: Travel Writing, Explorations, Colonization. p. 25-42, Newcastle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, ISBN: 978-1-5275-0782-1
  6. Tomei, Renato (2018). Sacred Spaces: Travel Writing and Translation. In: Tomei R (a cura di) Translating Ethiopia. Travel Writing, Explorations, Colonization. p. 43-65, Newcastle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, ISBN: 978-1-5275-0782-1
  7. Tomei, Renato (2018). Translating Ethiopia: Language, Myth and Distortions. In: Tomei R (a cura di) Translating Ethiopia Travel Writing, Explorations, Colonization. vol. 1, p. 1-24, Newcastle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, ISBN: 978-1-5275-0782-1
  8. Tomei, Renato (2017). Colonial, Postcolonial, and Global Advertising. In: Tomei (a cura di) Advertising Culture and Translation: From Colonial to Global. p. 55-85, Newcastle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, ISBN: 978-1-4438-4389-8
  9. Tomei, Renato (2017). The Extending Periphery: Conflicts and Identities. In: Tomei R (a cura di) Advertising Culture and Translation: From Colonial to Global. p. 86-113, Newcastle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, ISBN: 978-1-4438-4389-8
  10. Tomei, Renato (2017). Translational Issues: From English to English. In: Tomei R (a cura di) Advertising Culture and Translation: From Colonial to Global. p. 114-170, Newcastle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, ISBN: 978-1-4438-4389-8
  11. Tomei Renato e Masiola Rosanna (2010). 'Sound Clashes: highest grade of untranslatability, but still translated and re-translated'. In: Rao R and J Peters (a cura di) Socio-Cultural Approaches to Translation: Indian and European Perspectives. p. 147-150, New Delhi: Excel, ISBN: 978-93-80697-31-4


  1. Tomei, Renato (2020). Prefazione Linguistica autarchica e questioni traduttive nella moda: Maria Monaci Gallenga. In: Renato Tomei R, R Masiola e S Cittadini. L’alba dorata della moda italiana. Una prospettiva cross–culturale su Maria Monaci Gallenga. p. 9-21, Canterano: Aracne, ISBN: 9788825538489
  2. Tomei Renato (2018). Preface. In: Tomei R (a cura di) John Bradburne Mystic, Poet and Martyr (1921-1979). vol. 1, p. ix-xi, Newcastle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, ISBN: 978-1-5275-0778-4
  3. Tomei Renato (2018). Preface. In: Tomei R (a cura di): Translating Ethiopia Travel Writing, Explorations, Colonization. vol. 1, p. xi-xii, Newcastle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, ISBN: 978-1-5275-0782-1
  4. Tomei, Renato (2017). Preface. In: Tomei R (a cura di): Advertising Culture And Translation: From Colonial to Global. vol. 1, p. ix-xi, Newcastle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, ISBN: 978-1-4438-4389-8
  5. Tomei, Renato (2021). Nota su John Bradburne. In: Tomei R (a cura di) 100 Poesie del Beato Pellegrino sulle Vie del Cielo Nel Centenario della Sua Nascita. p. 1-2, Leominster: Orphans Publishing; John Bradburne Memorial Society, ISBN: 978-1-9168761-1-8
  6. Tomei, Renato (2021). Nota sulla traduzione. In: Tomei R (a cura di) 100 Poesie del Beato Pellegrino sulle Vie del Cielo Nel Centenario della Sua Nascita. p. 3-4, Leominster: Orphans Publishing; John Bradburne Memorial Society, ISBN: 978-1-9168761-1-8

Translations in volumes

  1. Tomei, Renato (2022). L’esemplare mondanità della critica letteraria di Antonio Gramsci. In: Cingari S e E Terrinoni (a cura di) Gramsci in Inglese: Joseph Buttigieg e la traduzione del prigioniero. p. 47-68, Milano: Mimesis Edizioni, ISBN: 8857580768
  2. Tomei, Renato (2021). Sulle vie del Cielo. In: Tomei R (a cura di) John Bradburne: 100 Poesie del Beato Pellegrino sulle Vie del Cielo Nel Centenario della Sua Nascita. p. 108-138, Leominster: Orphans Publishing; John Bradburne Memorial Society, ISBN: 978-1-9168761-1-8
  3. Tomei, Renato (2018). Le Kiddus Francesco (A San Francesco). In: Tomei R (a cura di): John Bradburne Mystic, Poet and Martyr (1921-1979). p. 72-73, Newcastle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, ISBN: 978-1-5275-0778-4

Contributions in Conference Proceedings

  1. Tomei, Renato (2009). The Seeds of Love and Hate: Translation, Conflicts and Biblical Plants. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on 'Conflict Prevention, Resolution, Management and Transformation in Ethiopia: A Multidimensional Approach'. Addis Ababa: Addis Ababa University - Etiopia, 29-30 agosto 2008

Abstracts in Conference Proceedings

  1. Tomei, Renato (2016). From Africa to Africa: Linguistic Acquistion of JSF in Shashamane. In: 21st Biennal Conference of the Society of Caribbean Linguistics. p. 23, University of the West Indies, Mona, Kingston – Giamaica, 1-6 agosto 2016
  2. Tomei, Renato (2016). The Poetics and mysticism of John Bradburne. In: 17th Triennal Conference of the Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Study (ACLALS). p. 102, Stellenbosh - Sudafrica, 11-15 luglio 2016
  3. Tomei, Renato (2012). The Lingua Franca of the Youths of Shashamane. In: Bayyurt Y e A Sumru (a cura di) Abstract Book: International ELF Conference - English as Lingua Franca’, Bogazici University, Istanbul. p. 98, Boğaziçi University, Turchia, 24-26 maggio 2012
  4. Tomei, Renato (2011). Lingua Franca as Liberation. In: Kirkpatrick A (a cura di) Fourth International Conference of English as a Lingua Franca. p. 43, Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong, 26-28 maggio 2011
  5. Tomei, Renato (2011). The loss of worlds in words: lexicography, ethnicity and traditional songs. In: Chetty R et al (a cura di): Literature Literacy and Language. vol. 1, p. 24, English Academy of South Africa, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Sudafrica, 9-11 settembre 2011


  1. Tomei Renato e Masiola Rosanna (2016). Description Translation and the Caribbean: from Fruits to Rastafarians. p. 33-134, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN: 978-3-319-40936-8, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-40937-5
  2. Tomei, Renato (2015). Jamaican Speech Forms in Ethiopia: The Emergence of a New Linguistic Scenario in Shashamane. vol. 1, p. i-228, Newcastle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, ISBN: 978- 1-4438-7152-5
  3. Tomei Renato e Masiola Rosanna (2015). Law, Language and Translation: From Concepts to Conflicts. SpringerBriefs in Law, p. 35-93, New York Dordrecht Heidelberg London: Springer, ISBN: 978-3-319-14270-8, ISSN: 2192-855X, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-14271-5
  4. Tomei Renato e Masiola Rosanna (2009). West Of Eden: Botanical Discourse, Contact Languages and Translation. vol. 1, p. 51- 183-88 - 208, Newcastle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, ISBN: 978-1-4438-1005-0
  5. Tomei, Renato (2008). Forbidden Fruits: The Secret Name of Plants in Caribbean Culture. vol. 1, p. 1-111, Perugia: Morlacchi Editore, ISBN: 9788860742483.

Translations of books

  1. Tomei, Renato (2021). John Bradburne: Una Vita in Breve. p. 1-193, Leominster: Orphans Publishing; John Bradburne Memorial Society, ISBN: 978-1-9168761-1-8
  2. Tomei, Renato (2020). Alba dorata della moda italiana. Una prospettiva cross-culturale su Maria Monaci Gallenga. A10, p. 1-216, Canterano: Aracne, ISBN: 9788825538489

Edited Volumes

  1. Tomei Renato e Masiola Rosanna (a cura di) (2023). Diamond Jubilee Special Issue “Spaces of the Sacred: Mapping Literary Mysticism” – The English Academy Review: A Journal of English Studies 40(1) May 2023, Routledge/Taylor&Francis. ISSN 1013-1752
  2. Tomei, Renato (a cura di) (2021). John Bradburne: 100 Poesie del Beato Pellegrino sulle Vie del Cielo Nel Centenario della Sua Nascita, Leominster: John Bradburne Memorial Society, Orphans Publishing, ISBN: 978-1-9168761-1-8
  3. Tomei Renato e Gabellone Anna Rita (a cura di) (2021). Fascismo, Antifascismo e Colonialismo, Pisa: Pacini Editore, ISBN:9788869958472
  4. Tomei, Renato (a cura di) (2018). John Bradburne Mystic, Poet and Martyr (1921-1979), Newcastle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, ISBN: 978-1-5275-0778-4
  5. Tomei, Renato (a cura di) (2018). Translating Ethiopia Travel Writing, Explorations, Colonization, Newcastle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, ISBN: 1-5275-0782-3
  6. Tomei, Renato (a cura di) (2017). Advertising Culture and Translation: From Colonial to Global, Newcastle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, ISBN: 978- 1-4438-4389-8