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Water Resource Management and Sustainable Development

particolare della copertina del libro "Principles of Water Resources": un corso d'acqua

Thomas Cech, Metropolitan State University of Denver

Mercoledì, 17 maggio 2023 - da 11:00 a 16:00
Università per Stranieri di Perugia

The event is free to attend.
Registration is required.
CFU/ECTS: 3 credits
The event is open to all @Unistrapg students, CFU will be provided only to attending students completing the cycle of 4 seminars (20 hours).


I seminari si svolgeranno in presenza. Solo in caso di difficoltà sarà possibile prevedere il collegamento via Teams. La richiesta motivata andrà inviata all'indirizzo mail warredoc@unistrapg.it.

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 martedì 2 maggio, ore 11-16, Laboratorio Informatico Palazzina Lupattelli

Principles of water management for early to modem civilization

 martedì 9 maggio, ore 11-16, Laboratorio Informatico Palazzina Lupattelli

Water laws and the right to water

 martedì 16 maggio, ore 11-16, Laboratorio Informatico Palazzina Lupattelli

Human geography and sustainable water development

 mercoledì 17 maggio, ore 9-14, Laboratorio Informatico 2 Palazzina Valitutti (Piano -2)

Water Resource Management and urban planning

The speaker

Tom Cech was born and raised on a farm near Clarkson, Nebraska, graduated from Kearney State College with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Math Education, and later received a Masters Degree in Community and Regional Planning from the University of Nebraska – Lincoln. He was Executive Director of the Central Colorado Water Conservancy District in Greeley, taught water undergraduate and graduate level water resources courses at the University of Northern Colorado and Colorado State University, and is the former Director of the One World One Water (OWOW) Center for Urban Water Education and Stewardship at MSU Denver. He is the author of the world wide famous book “Principles of Water Resources: History, Development, Management, and Policy".

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Elenco generale