fbpx Olga Lopopolo | Università per Stranieri di Perugia

Olga Lopopolo

immagine profilo di Olga Lopopolo
XXXVI ciclo (2020-2023)
Linguistica e didattica delle lingue
Dipartimento di Lingua, letteratura e arti italiane nel mondo (LILAIM)
Progetto di ricerca: 

 CROSSLIN3-Cross-linguistic influence in the acquisition of Tense/Aspect: a corpus-based study on multilingual learners of English as Third Language

Starting from Odlin’s (1989) definition of CLI as “the influence resulting from similarities and differences between the target language and any other language that has been previously acquired”, this PhD project aims to observe the influence of the two background languages (Italian and German) in multilingual learners acquiring English as L3.   The main area of interest to investigate CLI concerns the acquisition of the progressive aspect, namely one of the most relevant aspect in which the three languages at issue (German, Italian and English) typologically differ.  In this sense, the prevalent theories concerning the acquisition of the TA system (the most widely discussed Aspect Hypothesis, Default Past Tense Hypothesis, …) in combination with the theories of CLI in Third Language Acquisition (L2 Status Factor Model, Cumulative Enhancement Model, …) will be tested and discussed.   The foundation of the project is represented by a sub-corpus of English texts taken from LEONIDE, a trilingual longitudinal data collection coming from lower secondary school learners and collected within the project "SMS – One school, many languages” (2015-2018), which was set up in the Province of Bolzano to establish multilingualism as an educational aim. 

Interessi di ricerca: 

Multilingual learners; English as L3;


Lopopolo, O. (2021) The acquisition of the progressive aspect in multilingual learners of English: some methodological issues. The Graduate Student Conference in Learner Corpus Research, Elverum, 11.10.2021 - 12.10.2021.

Lopopolo, O., Platzgummer, V., Zanasi, L. (2021) Ein Sprachendorf für die Mehrsprachigkeit. Tagung für italienische Sprache, Bochum, 3.9.2021 - 4.9.2021.

Lopopolo, O. (2021) Cross-linguistic influence in the acquisition of Tense/Aspect: a corpus-based study on multilingual learners of English as Third Language. Corpus Linguistics Summer School, Birmingham, 5.7.2021 - 8.7.2021.

Lopopolo, O., Zanasi, L. (2021) Mediazione e repertori plurilingui nel villaggio delle lingue: Nuovi strumenti per la didattica e la valutazione in Babylonia: rivista per l'insegnamento e l'apprendimento delle lingue. Platzgummer, V.,

Lopopolo, O. (2020) Sprachenrepertoires im Sprachendorf aktivieren,19. IKM-Tagung „Schulentwicklung zum Thema Sprachliche Bildung“.

Platzgummer, V., Lopopolo, O. (2020) Das Ganze im Blick: Wie kann man Sprachenrepertoires erheben und nutzen? Erkenntnisse aus dem Forschungsprojekt RepertoirePluS. 19. IKM-Tagung „Schulentwicklung zum Thema Sprachliche Bildung“.