Daniela Cundrò

Immagine profilo di Daniela Cundrò
XXXV ciclo (2019-2022)
Linguistica e didattica delle lingue
Dipartimento di Lingua, letteratura e arti italiane nel mondo (LILAIM)
Progetto di ricerca: 

Between. Intercultural design strategies for an international university

Her doctoral research investigates the use of cultural factors in website design for developing an intercultural communicative model to connect universities and international students, called Between. She takes a multidisciplinary approach that encompasses the field of the internationalization of the universities, interculturality, diversity, communication and cultural models applied to the IT.

Interessi di ricerca: 

Intercultural communication; Internationalisation of University; IT.


Cundrò, D. (2021). "Nice to Meet You”, l’UE incontra il mondo all’Università di Siena. Dieci anni di attività per la cittadinanza europea 2010-2020, 73-76.

Cundrò, D. (2020). Diversity – an advantage for UHR. Swedish Council for Higher Education. Available in shorturl.at/nvBRT [20 novembre 2020].

Cundrò, D. (2020). The value of diversity in a multicultural team – the results of a survey. Swedish Council for Higher Education. Available in shorturl.at/qtL04 [20 novembre 2020].

Cundrò, D. (2020). Mångfald – en tillgång för UHR. Swedish Council for Higher Education. Available in shorturl.at/ikJKQ [20 novembre 2020].

Cundrò, D. (2020). Il modello svedese durante il coronavirus: forme locali di una pandemia globale. Mondo nuovo. Pubblicato anche nella versione francese della rivista.

Perugia, 21 February 2022. Seminar Speaker “Communication and organizational strategies among European Universities: the case of the Italian and the Swedish Models”. QUADIC Project – Programma Erasmus+ KA2 “Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices – Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education”, Università per Stranieri di Perugia

Perugia, 9 December 2021. Seminar Speaker “Between, intercultural design strategies for an international university: the case of Università per Stranieri Perugia”. QUADIC Project – Programma Erasmus+ KA2 “Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices – Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education”, University for Foreigners of Perugia

Perugia, 1st July 2021. Seminar Speaker “Early Scholar Workshop. Between: un modello di design interculturale per una strategia di comunicazione digitale in un Ateneo internazionale”, University for Foreigners of Perugia