fbpx Francesco Asdrubali | Università per Stranieri di Perugia

Francesco Asdrubali

Francesco Asdrubali
Professore di I fascia
IIND-07/B (ex ING-IND/11)
Dipartimento di Scienze umane e sociali internazionali (SUSI)
Nota biografica: 

Francesco Asdrubali

Profilo biografico breve, attività di ricerca


Nato a Perugia nel 1967, Laureato in Ingegneria civile nel 1990, Dottore di ricerca in Proprietà termofisiche dei materiali nel 1995. Ricercatore e quindi professore associato di Fisica Tecnica Ambientale (ING-IND/11) presso l’Università di Perugia negli anni 1997-2015, dal febbraio 2016 a settembre  2023 è stato professore ordinario di Fisica Tecnica Ambientale presso il Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Università Roma Tre e dal 1 ottobre 2023 presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Umane e Sociali Internazionali (SUSI) dell'Univesrità per Stranieri di Perugia.

Dal 2004 al 2013 è stato Direttore del CIRIAF (Centro Interuniversitario di Ricerca sull’Inquinamento e sull’Ambiente “Mauro Felli”). Responsabile scientifico di numerosi progetti di ricerca nazionali (MUR, MIPAAF, INAIL) e comunitari (LIFE, Intelligent Energy Europe, VII Programma Quadro, Horizon 2020), è Esperto Tecnico Scientifico del MUR e valutatore di numerosi progetti di ricerca per conto del Ministero e di diversi Atenei e amministrazioni regionali. Per quanto riguarda la ricerca applicata, è stato responsabile scientifico di numerose convenzioni con importanti Enti e Società, tra cui Regione Umbria, Comune di Perugia, Comune di Roma, Parco Archeologico del Colosseo, ISPRA, Autostrade, Aeroporti di Roma, Banca d’Italia, IKEA Italia.

E’ autore di oltre 300 pubblicazioni scientifiche su tematiche tipiche del Settore Scientifico Disciplinare, quali la termofisica degli edifici, l’acustica edilizia ed ambientale, l’illuminotecnica, le fonti energetiche rinnovabili, ma anche su tematiche interdiscipliinari, quali l’economia circolare e l’analisi di ciclo di vita, la geopolitica dell’energia, la pianificazione energetica e l’impatto ambientale, la conservazione dei beni di interesse storico-artistico, la mobilità sostenibile.

E’ membro di comitati editoriali di diverse riviste nazionali ed internazionali ed Editor in Chief di due riviste internazionali (Noise Mapping e Building Acoustics).

Dal 2021 è Director dell’International Institute of Acoustics and Vibrations (IIAV) e Presidente dell’Associazione Italiana di Acustica (AIA).


Indicatori bibliometrici


Numero articoli


Numero citazioni




Indicatori di Francesco Asdrubali su Scopus (*)




(*) consultazione in data 5 ottobre 2023




Francesco Asdrubali

Elenco delle pubblicazioni scientifiche

(per brevità si riportano solo i lavori su riviste internazionali con peer review)



Articoli su riviste internazionali con peer review

  1. F. Asdrubali, K. Horoshenkov: “The acoustic properties of expanded clay granulates”, Building Acoustics, 9 (02), pp. 85-98 (2002)
  2. F. Asdrubali: ”Daylighting performance of sawtooth roofs for industrial buildings”, Lighting research and technology, 35 (4) pp. 343-359 (2003).
  3. F. Asdrubali, S. Grignaffini: “Experimental evaluation of the performances of a H20LiBr absorption refrigerator under different service conditions”, International Journal of Refrigeration, 28 (4), pp. 489-497 (2005).
  4. G. Pispola, K. Horoshenkov, F. Asdrubali. Transmission Loss Measurement of Consolidated Granular Media (L)”, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America,  117 (5), pp 2716-2819 (2005).
  5. F. Asdrubali, C. Buratti: “Sound intensity investigation of the acoustics performances of high insulation ventilating windows integrated with rolling shutter boxes”, Applied Acoustics, 66, (9), pp. 1072-1085 (2005).
  6. F. Asdrubali, G. Baldinelli: “Theoretical and experimental analysis of the evaporative towers cooling system of a coal-fired power plant”, International Journal Heat and Technology, 24 (1), pp. 17-24 (2006).
  7. F. Asdrubali and G. Pispola: “Properties of transparent sound-absorbing panels for use in noise barriers”, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 121 (1), pp. 214-221 (2007).
  8. F. Asdrubali, “On the experimental evaluation of the performances of noise barrier diffracting devices”, Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 93, pp.659-669 (2007).
  9. K. V. Horoshenkov, A. Khan, F. X. Becot, L. Jaouen, F. Sgard, A. Renault, N. Amirouche, F. Pompoli, N. Prodi, P. Bonfiglio, G. Pispola, F. Asdrubali, J. Hubelt, N. Atalla, C. K. Amedin, W. Lauriks, L. Boeckx: “Reproducibility experiments on measuring acoustical properties of rigid-frame porous media (round-robin tests)”, Journal of the Acoustical Society of  America, 122 (1), pp. 345-353 (2007).
  10. F. Asdrubali, M. Bonaut, M. Battisti, M. Venegas: “Comparative Study of Energy Regulations for Buildings in Italy and Spain”, Energy and buildings, 40, pp. 1805-1825 (2008).
  11. G. Baldinelli, F. Asdrubali: Influence of air thermohygrometric properties on mechanical draft evaporative towers: a model to predict effects in power plants and refrigerating absorption machines”, International Journal Heat and Technology, Vol. 26, n. 2 (2008), pp 59-65.
  12. F. Asdrubali: “A scale model to evaluate water evaporation from indoor swimming pools”, Energy and buildings, 41 (2009), pp. 311-319.
  13. F. Asdrubali, G. Baldinelli: “Theoretical modelling and experimental evaluation of the optical properties of glazing systems with selective coatings”, Building Simulation, 2 (2009), pp. 75-84.
  14. F. Asdrubali, G. Baldinelli: “Thermal transmittance measurements with the hot box methods: calibration, experimental procedures and uncertainty analyses of three different approaches, Energy and Buildings, 43 (2011), pp. 1618-1626
  15. F. Asdrubali, F. D’Alessandro: “Impact sound insulation and viscoelastic properties of resilient materials made  from recycled tyre granules”, International Journal of Acoustic and Vibration Vol. 16, n. 3 (2011), pp. 119-125.
  16. F. Asdrubali, G. Baldinelli, F. Bianchi: “A quantitative methodology to evaluate thermal bridges in buildings”,  Applied Energy,  97 (2012) pp. 365-373.
  17. M. Traverso, F. Asdrubali, A. Francia, M. Finkbeiner: “Towards Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment: an implementation to photovoltaic modules”, International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 17 (2012), 1068-1079.
  18. A. Messineo, R. Volpe, F. Asdrubali: “Evaluation of Net Energy Obtainable from Combustion of Stabilised Olive Mill By-Products”, Energies, 2012, 5, 1384-1397.
  19. F. Asdrubali, F. Cotana, A. Messineo: “On the Evaluation of Solar Greenhouse Efficiency in Building Simulation during the Heating Period”, Energies, 2012, 5, 1864-1880.
  20. C. Beatrice, G. Di Blasio, M. Lazzaro, C. Cannilla, G. Bonura, F. Frusteri, F. Asdrubali, G. Baldinelli, A. Presciutti, F. Fantozzi, G. Bidini, P. Bartocci: “Technologies for energetic exploitation of biodiesel chain derived glycerol: Oxy-fuels production by catalytic conversion”, Applied Energy, 102 (2013) 63-71.
  21. F. Asdrubali, S. Schiavoni, K. V. Horoshenkov: “A review of sustainable materials for acoustic applications”, Building Acoustics 19, (4), 2012, 283-312.
  22. F. Asdrubali, G. Baldinelli, F. Bianchi: ”Influence of cavities geometric and emissivity properties on the overall thermal performance of aluminum frames for windows”, Energy and Buildings, 60 (2013),  298-309.
  23. F. Asdrubali, C. Buratti, E. Moretti, F. D’Alessandro, S. Schiavoni: “Assessment of the performance of road markings in urban areas: the outcomes of the CIVITAS Renaissance Project”, The Open Transportation Journal, 7, (2013) 7-19.
  24. F. Asdrubali, C. Baldassarri, V.Fthenakis: “Life Cycle Analysis in the construction sector: guiding the optimization of conventional Italian buildings”, Energy and Buildings, 64 (2013), 73-89.
  25. G. Brambilla, V. Gallo, F. Asdrubali, F. D’Alessandro: “ The perceived quality of soundscape in three  urban parks in Rome”, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 134, n. 1 (2013), 808-815.
  26. F. Asdrubali, A. Presciutti, F. Scrucca: “Development of a greenhouse gas accounting GIS-based tool to support local policy making - Application to an Italian municipality”, Energy Policy, 61, (2013), pp. 587-594.
  27. F. Asdrubali, C. Buratti, F. Cotana, G.Baldinelli, M. Goretti, E.Moretti, C. Baldassarri, E. Belloni, F. Bianchi, A. Rotili, M.Vergoni, D.Palladino, D. Bevilacqua: “ Evaluation of Green Buildings’ Overall Performance through in Situ Monitoring and Simulations”, Energies, 6  (2013), pp. 6525-6547.
  28. G. Moncada, F. Asdrubali, A. Rotili: “Influence of new factors on global energy prospects in the medium term: comparison among the 2010, 2011 and 2012 editions of the IEA’s World Energy Outlook reports”, Economics and Policy of Energy and the Environment, 3 (2013) 67-89.
  29. P.B. Cerlini, F. Cotana, F. Rossi, F. Asdrubali: “Numerical Modeling of Atmospheric Water Content and Probability Evaluation. Part I”, Procedia Engineering”, Volume 70, 2014, Pages 321–329.
  30. P.B. Cerlini, F. Cotana, F. Rossi, F. Asdrubali: “Numerical Modeling of Atmospheric Water Content and Probability Evaluation. Part II”, Procedia Engineering”, Volume 70, 2014, Pages 330–338.
  31. F. Asdrubali, F. D’Alessandro, G. Baldinelli, F. Bianchi: “Evaluating in-situ thermal transmittance of green buildings masonries – A case study”, Case Studies in Construction Materials, 1 (2014) 53-59.
  32. G. Baldinelli, F. Asdrubali, C. Baldassarri, F. Bianchi, F. D’Alessandro, S. Schiavoni, C. Basilicata “Energy and environmental performance optimization of windows: a holistic approach”, Energy and Buildings, 79 (2014), 114-131.
  33. F. D’Alessandro, F. Asdrubali, G. Baldinelli: “Multi-parametric characterization of a sustainable lightweight concrete containing polymers derived from electric wires”, Construction and Building Materials, 68 (2014) 277-284.
  34. F. D’Alessandro, F. Asdrubali, S. Schiavoni: “The Noise Abatement Plan of an Italian Road Network: A Comparison Between Standard and Innovative Methodologies”, The Open Transportation Journal, 8 (2014), 26-38
  35. A. L. Pisello, F. Asdrubali: ”Human-based energy retrofits in residential buildings: a cost-effective alternative to traditional physical strategies”, Applied Energy, 133 (2014), 224-235.
  36. A. Presciutti,F. Asdrubali, A. Marrocchi, A. Broggi, G. Pizzoli, A. Damiani:” Sun simulators: development of an innovative low cost film-filter”, Sustainability, 6 (2014), 6830-6846.
  37. F. Bianchi, A.L. Pisello, G. Baldinelli, F. Asdrubali: “Infrared thermography assessment of thermal bridges in building envelope: experimental validation in a test room setup”, Sustainability, 6 (2014), 7107-7120.
  38. F. Asdrubali, G. Baldinelli, F. D’Alessandro, F. Scrucca: “Life Cycle Assessment of electricity production from renewable energies: review and results harmonization”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 42 (2015) 1113–1122.
  39. C. Merli Alcini, S. Schiavoni, F. Asdrubali: “Simulation of daylighting conditions in a virtual underground city”, Journal of Daylighting, 2 (2015), 1-11.
  40. F. Asdrubali, G. Baldinelli, F. Bianchi, S. Sambuco: “A comparison between environmental sustainability rating systems LEED and ITACA for residential buildings”, Building and Environment, 86 (2015), 98-108.
  41. F. Asdrubali, F. Cotana, F. Rossi, A. Presciutti, A.Rotili, C. Guattari, “Life Cycle Assessment of New Oxy-Fuels from Biodiesel-Derived Glycerol” Energies (2015), 8, 1628-1643
  42. F. Asdrubali, G. Baldinelli, F. Scrucca: “Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of an innovative CSP air-cooled system and conventional condensers”, International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 20 (2015) 1076-1088
  43. F. Asdrubali, F. D'Alessandro, S. Schiavoni: “A review of unconventional sustainable building insulation materials”, Sustainable Materials and Technologies, 4 (2015) 1-17.
  44. C. Buratti, F. Asdrubali, D. Palladino, A. Rotili: “Energy Performance Database of Building Heritage inthe Region of Umbria, Central Italy”, Energies 2015, 8, 7261-7278
  45. E. Bonamente, F. Scrucca, F. Asdrubali, F. Cotana, A. Presciutti: “The Water Footprint of the Wine Industry: Implementation of an Assessment Methodology and Application to a Case Study”, Sustainability 2015, 7(9), 12190-12208.
  46. D'Alessandro, F., Asdrubali, F., Mencarelli, N. “Experimental evaluation and modelling of the sound absorption properties of plants for indoor acoustic applications “, Building and Environment (2015), 94, 913-923.
  47. Asdrubali, F., Bianchi, F., Cotana, F., D'Alessandro, F., Pertosa, M., Pisello, A.L.,  Schiavoni, S.: “Experimental thermo-acoustic characterization of innovative common reed bio-based panels for building envelope” Building and Environment (2016),102, 217-229.
  48. Ingrao, C., Scrucca, F., Tricase, C., Asdrubali, F.: “A comparative Life Cycle Assessment of external wall-compositions for cleaner construction solutions in buildings”, Journal of Cleaner Production (2016), 124, 283-298.
  49. Secchi, S., Asdrubali, F.,Cellai, G., Nannipieri, E., Rotili, A., Vannucchi, I.:” Experimental and environmental analysis of new sound-absorbing and insulating elements in recycled cardboard”. Journal of Building Engineering (2016), 5, 1-12.
  50. Bonamente, E., Scrucca, F., Rinaldi, S., Merico, M.C., Asdrubali, F., Lamastra, L.: “Environmental impact of an Italian wine bottle: Carbon and water footprint assessment”. Science of the Total Environment (2016), 560-561, 274-283.
  51. Rinaldi, S., Bonamente, E., Scrucca, F., Merico, M.C., Asdrubali, F., Cotana, F.: “Water and carbon footprint of wine: Methodology review and application to a case study”, Sustainability (2016), 8, 1-17.
  52. F. Bisegna, B. Mattoni, P. Gori, F. Asdrubali, C. Guattari, L. Evangelisti, S. Sambuco, F. Bianchi: “Influence of insulating materials on green building rating system results”, Energies (2016) 9, 712-729.
  53. Toscano, A.; Bilotti, F.; Asdrubali, F.; Guattari C.; Evangelisti L.; Basilicata C.: “Recent Trends in the World Gas Market: Economical, Geopolitical and Environmental Aspects”. Sustainability (2016) 8, 154-178.
  54. P. Gori, C. Guattari, F. Asdrubali, R. de Lieto Vollaro, A. Monti, D. Ramaccia, F. Bilotti, A. Toscano: “Sustainable Acoustic Metasurfaces for Sound Control”, Sustainability (2016) 8, 107-207.
  55. F. Asdrubali, A.L. Pisello, F. D'Alessandro, F. Bianchi, C. Fabiani, M. Cornicchia, A. Rotili: “Experimental and numerical characterization of innovative cardboard based panels: Thermal and acoustic performance analysis and life cycle assessment”, Building and Environment, 95 (2016), 145-159
  56. Gori, P., Guattari, C.,Evangelisti, L., Asdrubali, F.: “Design criteria for improving insulation effectiveness of multilayer walls, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer  (2016), 103, pp. 349-359.
  57. Baldassarri, C.,Shehabi, A.,Asdrubali, F.,Masanet, E., :”Energy and emissions analysis of next generation electrochromic devices”, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells (2016), 156, pp. 170-181.
  58. Evangelisti, L.,Guattari, C.,Gori, P.,de Lieto Vollaro, R.,Asdrubali, F.: “Experimental investigation of the influence of convective and radiative heat transfers on thermal transmittance measurements”, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer (2016), 78, pp. 214-223
  59. Schiavoni, S.,D'Alessandro, F.,Bianchi, F.,Asdrubali, F. : “Insulation materials for the building sector: A review and comparative analysis”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (2016), 62, pp. 988-1011
  60. Carletti, C.,Sciurpi, F.,Pierangioli, L., Asdrubali F., Sambuco, S.,Guattari, C.: “Thermal and lighting effects of an external venetian blind: Experimental analysis in a full scale test room”, Building and Environment (2016), 106, pp. 45-56
  61. Postrioti, L.,Baldinelli, G.,Bianchi, F.,Di Maria, F.,Asdrubali, F. :“An experimental setup for the analysis of an energy recovery system from wastewater for heat pumps in civil buildings, Applied Thermal Engineering (2016) 102, pp. 961-971.
  62. Asdrubali, F., Ferracuti, B., Lombardi, L., Guattari, C., Evangelisti, L., Grazieschi, G: “A review of structural, thermo-physical, acoustical, and environmental properties of wooden materials for building applications”, (2017) Building and Environment, 114, pp. 307-332.
  63. Pisello, A.L., D'Alessandro, A., Sambuco, S., Rallini, M., Ubertini, F., Asdrubali, F., Materazzi, A.L., Cotana, F. “Multipurpose experimental characterization of smart nanocomposite cement-based materials for thermal-energy efficiency and strain-sensing capability”, (2017) Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 161, pp. 77-88.
  64. Guattari, C., Evangelisti, L., Gori, P., Asdrubali, F.  Influence of internal heat sources on thermal resistance evaluation through the heat flow meter method”, (2017) Energy and Buildings, 135, pp. 187-200.
  65. Pompoli, F., Bonfiglio, P., Horoshenkov, K.V., Khan, A.,  Jaouen, L.,  Bécot, F.-X.,  Sgard, F.,  Asdrubali, F.,  D'Alessandro, F.,  Hübelt, J.,  Atalla, N.,  Amédin, C.K.,  Lauriks, W.,  Boeckx, L.: “How reproducible is the acoustical characterization of porous media?” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (2017) 141, 2, 945-955.
  66. Maalouf, C., Ingrao, C., Scrucca, F., Moussa, T., Bourdot, A., Tricase, C., Presciutti, A., Asdrubali, F.: “An energy and carbon footprint assessment upon the usage of hemp-lime concrete and recycled-PET façades for office facilities in France and Italy”. Journal of Cleaner Production, (2018), 170, 1640-1653.
  67. B. Mattoni, C. Guattari, L. Evangelisti, F. Bisegna, P. Gori, F. Asdrubali: “Critical Review and Methodological Approach to Evaluate the Differences Among International Green Building Rating Tools”. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews (2018) 82(1), 950-960.
  68. L. Evangelisti, C. Guattari, P. Gori, F. Asdrubali: “Assessment of equivalent thermal properties of multilayer building walls coupling simulations and experimental measurements”. Building and Environment (2018) 127, 77-85.
  69. Asdrubali, F., Baldinelli, G., Bianchi, F., Costarelli, D., Rotili, A., Seracini, M., Vinti, G.: “Detection of thermal bridges from thermographic images by means of image processing approximation algorithms”, Applied Mathematics and Computation (2018), 317, 160-171.
  70. Presciutti, A.,  Asdrubali, F.,  Baldinelli, G.,  Rotili, A.,  Malavasi, M.,  Di Salvia, G.: “Energy and exergy analysis of glycerol combustion in an innovative flameless power plant”. Journal of Cleaner Production (2018),172, 3817-3824.
  71. Baldinelli, G., Bianchi, F., Rotili, A., Costarelli, D., Seracini, M., Vinti, G., Asdrubali, F., Evangelisti, L.: “A model for the improvement of thermal bridges quantitative assessment by infrared thermography”. Applied Energy (2018), 211, 854-864.
  72. P. Marrone, P. Gori, F. Asdrubali, L. Evangelisti, L. Calcagnini, G. Grazieschi, “Energy Benchmarking in Educational Buildings through Cluster Analysis of Energy Retrofitting”, Energies 2018, 11(3), 649; https://doi.org/10.3390/en11030649
  73. F. Asdrubali, F. D’Alessandro, ”Innovative Approaches for Noise Management in Smart Cities: a Review”, Current Pollution Reports (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40726-018-0090-z
  74. Guattari, C., Evangelisti, L., Gori, P., Asdrubali, F.  “Influence of heating systems on thermal transmittance evaluations. Simulations, experimental measurements and data post processing”, (2018) Energy and Buildings, 168, pp. 180-190.
  75. Moussa, T., Maalouf, C., Ingrao, C., Scrucca, F., Costantine, G., Asdrubali, F. “Bio-based and recycled-waste materials in buildings: A study of energy performance of hemp-lime concrete and recycled-polyethylene terephthalate façades for office facilities in France and Italy”, Science and Technology for the Built Environment, 24, 5 (2018), pp. 492-501
  76. Bartocci, P., Bidini, G., Asdrubali, F. Beatrice, C, Frusteri, F., Fantozzi, F., “Batch pyrolysis of pellet made of biomass and crude glycerol: Mass and energy balances”, Renewable Energy, 124 (2018), pp. 172-179
  77. Asdrubali, F., Carrese, S., Patella, S. M., Sabatini, L. (2018). Development of Electric Urban Mobility: Comparative Research and Preliminary Survey. European Journal of Sustainable Development Research. doi:10.20897/ejosdr/89694
  78. Leccese, F., Salvadori, G., Asdrubali, F., Gori, P., Passive thermal behaviour of buildings: Performance of external multi-layered walls and influence of internal walls, Applied Energy, 225, (2018), pp. 1078-108.
  79. Marrone, P., Orsini, F., Asdrubali, F., Guattari, C., Environmental performance of universities: Proposal for implementing campus urban morphology as an evaluation parameter in Green Metric,        Sustainable Cities and Society, 42, (2018), pp. 226-239.
  80. Asdrubali, F., Ballarini, I., Corrado, V., Evangelisti, L., Grazieschi, G., Guattari, C., Energy and environmental payback times for an NZEB retrofit, Building and Environment, 147, (2019), pp. 461-472.
  81. Evangelisti, L., Guattari, C., Asdrubali, F., On the sky temperature models and their influence on buildings energy performance: A critical review, Energy and Buildings, 183, (2019), pp. 607-625.
  82. F. Aletta, C. Guattari, L. Evangelisti, F. Asdrubali, T. Oberman, J. Kang,  Exploring the compatibility of “Method A” and “Method B” data collection protocols reported in the ISO/TS 12913-2:2018 for urban soundscape via a soundwalk, Applied Acoustics 155 (2019) 190-203.
  83. L. Evangelisti, C. Guattari, F. Asdrubali, Comparison between heat-flow meter and Air-Surface Temperature Ratio techniques for assembled panels thermal characterization, Energy and Buildings 203 (2019)109441.
  84. Giorgio Baldinelli, Francesco Bianchi, Stanislavs Gendelis, Andris Jakovics, Gian Luca Morini, Stefania Falcioni, Stefano Fantucci, Valentina Serra, M.A.Navacerrada,  Díaz, C., Libbra, A., Muscio, A., Asdrubali, F., Thermal conductivity measurement of insulating innovative building materials by hot plate and heat flow meter devices: A Round Robin Test, Volume 139, May 2019, Pages 25-35.
  85. Patella, S.M., Scrucca, F., Asdrubali, F., Carrese, S., Carbon Footprint of autonomous vehicles at the urban mobility system level: A traffic simulation-based approach, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, Volume 74, September 2019, Pages 189-200
  86. Sergio Maria Patella, Flavio Scrucca, Francesco Asdrubali, Stefano Carrese, Traffic Simulation-Based Approach for A Cradle-to-Grave Greenhouse Gases Emission Model, Sustainability 2019,11(16), 4328;
  87. L. Evangelisti, R. De Lieto Vollaro, F. Asdrubali, Latest advances on solar thermal collectors: A comprehensive review, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 114 (2019) 109318
  88. F. Asdrubali, P. Baggio, A. Prada, G. Grazieschi, C. Guattari, Dynamic life cycle assessment modelling of a NZEB building, Energy, 191 (2020), 116489.
  89. L. Evangelisti, C. Guattari, F. Asdrubali, R. de Lieto Vollaro, An experimental investigation of the thermal performance of a building solar shading device, Journal of Building Engineering 28 (2020) 101089.
  90. S. M. Patella, S. Sportiello, S. Carrese, F. Bella, F. Asdrubali, The Effect of a LED Lighting Crosswalk on Pedestrian Safety: Some Experimental Results, Safety 2020, 6(2), 20
  91. L. Evangelisti, C. Guattari, F. Asdrubali, R. de Lieto Vollaro, In situ thermal characterization of existing buildings aiming at NZEB standard: A methodological approach, Developments in the Built Environment, 2 (2020) 100008
  92. Guattari, C., Evangelisti, L., Asdrubali, F., De Lieto Vollaro, R., Experimental evaluation and numerical simulation of the thermal performance of a green roof, Applied Sciences, 10 (5) 2020, 1767
  93. Grazieschi, G.,Gori, P., Lombardi, L., Asdrubali, F., Life cycle energy minimization of autonomous buildings Journal of Building Engineering, 30 (2020) 101229
  94. Evangelisti, L. , Guattari, C., De Lieto Vollaro, R., Asdrubali, F., A methodological approach for heat-flow meter data post-processing under different climatic conditions and wall orientations, Energy and Buildings, Volume 223, 15 September 2020, Article number 110216
  95. Scrucca, F., Ingrao, C., Maalouf, C., Moussa, T., Polidori, G., Messineo, A., Arcidiacono, C, Asdrubali, F., Energy and carbon footprint assessment of production of hemp hurds for application in buildings, Environmental Impact Assessment Review, Volume 84, September 2020, Article number106417
  96. Asdrubali, F.Grazieschi, G., Life cycle assessment of energy efficient buildings, Energy Reports20206pp. 270–285
  97. Grazieschi, G.Asdrubali, F.Guattari, C., Neighbourhood sustainability: State of the art, critical review and space-temporal analysis, Sustainable Cities and Society202063102477
  98. Orsini, F.Marrone, P.Asdrubali, F.Roncone, M.Grazieschi, G., Aerogel insulation in building energy retrofit. Performance testing and cost analysis on a case study in Rome, Energy Reports20206pp. 56–61
  99. Evangelisti, L.Guattari, C.Grazieschi, G.Roncone, M.Asdrubali, F., On the energy performance of an innovative green roof in the mediterranean climate, Energies202013(19)5163
  100. Battista, G.Evangelisti, L.Guattari, C., ...Vollaro, R.D.L.Asdrubali, F., Urban heat island mitigation strategies: Experimental and numerical analysis of a university campus in Rome (Italy), Sustainability,  202012(19)pp. 1–187971
  101. Asdrubali, F.Venanzi, D.Evangelisti, L., ...Matteucci, P.Roncone, M., An evaluation of the environmental payback times and economic convenience in an energy requalification of a school, Buildings202111(1)pp. 1–1512
  102. Orsini, F.Marrone, P.Santini, S., ...Bianchi, F.Presciutti, A., Smart materials: Cementitious mortars and pcm mechanical and thermal characterization, Materials, 2021, 14(15), 4163
  103. Asdrubali, F.Roncone, M.Grazieschi, G., Embodied energy and embodied gwp of windows: A critical review, Energies, 2021, 14(13), 3788
  104. Marrone, P.Asdrubali, F.Venanzi, D., ...Matteucci, P.Roncone, M., On the retrofit of existing buildings with aerogel panels: Energy, environmental and economic issues, Energies, 2021, 14(5), 1276
  105. Asdrubali F. et Al, A Round Robin Test on the dynamic simulation and the LEED protocol evaluation of a green building, Sustainable Cities and Society, Volume 78, March 2022, Article number 103654
  106. Evangelisti, L.Guattari, C.Fontana, L.De Lieto Vollaro, R.Asdrubali, F., On the ageing and weathering effects in assembled modular facades: On-site experimental measurements in an Italian building of the 1960s, Journal of Building Engineering, 2022, 45, 103519
  107. Evangelisti, L.De Lieto Vollaro, R.Asdrubali, F., On the equivalent thermo-physical properties for modeling building walls with unknown stratigraphy, Energy, 2022, 238, 121679
  108. Zuffi, C.Manfrida, G.Asdrubali, F.Talluri, L.Life cycle assessment of geothermal power plants: A comparison with other energy conversion technologies, Geothermics, 2022, 104, 102434
  109. de Rubeis, T.Evangelisti, L.Guattari, C.Asdrubali, F.Ambrosini, D., How Do Temperature Differences and Stable Thermal Conditions Affect the Heat Flux Meter (HFM) Measurements of Walls? Laboratory Experimental Analysis, Energies, 2022, 15(13), 4746
  110. Fusaro, G.Kang, J.Asdrubali, F.Chang, W.-S., Assessment of acoustic metawindow unit through psychoacoustic analysis and human perception, Applied Acoustics, 2022, 196, 108885
  111. De Rubeis, T.Evangelisti, L.Guattari, C., ...Asdrubali, F.Ambrosini, D., On the influence of environmental boundary conditions on surface thermal resistance of walls: Experimental evaluation through a Guarded Hot Box, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 2022, 34, 101915
  112. Asdrubali, F.Grazieschi, G.Roncone, M.Thiebat, F.Carbonaro, C., Sustainability of Building Materials: Embodied Energy and Embodied Carbon of Masonry, Energies2023, 16(4), 1846
  113. Asdrubali, F.Evangelisti, L.Guattari, C.Roncone, M.Milone, D., Experimental Analysis of the Thermal Performance of Wood Fiber Insulating Panels, Sustainability (Switzerland)this link is disabled2023, 15(3), 1963
  114. Ballarano, D.Patella, S.M.Asdrubali, F., Sustainable Transportation for Events: A Systematic Review, Sustainability, 2022, 14(23), 1581
  115. Cotana, F.Asdrubali, F.Arcangeli, G.Sanjust, F.Cerini, L., Extra-Auditory Effects from Noise Exposure in Schools: Results of Nine Italian Case Studies, Acoustics2023, 5(1), pp. 216–241