Welcome Erasmus students!
Dear student, the University for Foreigners Perugia, one of the oldest and most prestigious Institutions in Italy in the field of teaching Italian language and culture to foreigners, is proud to welcome you in a unique reality, where Italian and foreign students are called to live in a multiethnic environment, taking full advantage of the best conditions for their studies in such international context.
The personnel of the Erasmus and International Mobility office will be constant reference for you throughout all your stay, to help you to live and important experience of study and formation. We hope that these webpages, containing a lot of useful information on our University and services of our city, can help you in settling in our reality. The staff of the Erasmus and International mobility office.
How to sign up at the University for Foreigners Perugia
Step 1 - Nomination by your home university
Erasmus students must be officially nominated by email (erasmus@unistrapg.it) by the Erasmus coordinator of the Home University. The nomination must necessarily specify:
- name and surname of the nominated student + date and place of birth
- intended mobility period
- are of study
Upon reception of the nomination incoming students will receive an email from our Erasmus office detailing the application procedures, deadline and all relevant information concerning the mobility period.
Step 2 - Application documents
- Erasmus Application Form (signed and stamped by the home institution)
- Online application for the ordinary courses in Italian language and culture
- OLA (or Learning Agreement Before the Mobility) - KA131 mobilities
- copy of the identity document
- copy of the European Health Card (TEAM) for sanitary assistance
Only in case of KA171 mobilities instead of the OLA students must use:
Documents number 1, 4 and 5 are to be sent by e-mail as a scanned .pdf document to erasmus@unistrapg.it
Please note:
Erasmus incoming students are exempted from the payment of the enrolment fee for the ordinary courses in Italian language and culture.
Step 3 - Confirmation
Students' acceptance is conditional to the receipt of all the required forms mentioned above. In case of need students will be provided with an official letter of acceptance and a copy of the learning agreement – before mobility duly approved.
Stay for the fall semester or the entire academic year:
- Nomination: 30 June
- Application: 31 July
Stay for the spring semester
- Nomination: 30 November
- Application: 31 December
Applications incomplete or received after the official deadline might not be accepted.
The Erasmus+ Experience of Gabriele
Academic calendar 2024-25
- Fall semester: 1 October - 20 December 2024 (exam session: January/February 2025)
- Spring semester: 3 March - 30 May 2025 (exam session: June/July 2025)
Courses on offer
Erasmus incoming students are free to choose courses regardless of their study field after consultation with the academic advisor of the home Institution. Subjects can be chosen amoung the following list of Degree, Master Degree and Language courses:
1) First level Degree courses
- Comunicazione Internazionale e Pubblicitaria (ComIP)
- Lingua e Cultura Italiana (LICI)
- Made in Italy, Cibo e Ospitalità (MICO)
- Digital humanities per l'italiano (link)
- Studi internazionali per la sostenibilità e la sicurezza sociale (link)
- Lingua e cultura italiana nel mondo digitale (LICIMoD)
- Scienze sociali per la sostenibilità e la cooperazione internazionale (SoCI)
2) Second level Degree courses
- Comunicazione pubblicitaria, storytelling e cultura d'immagine (ComPSI)
- Relazioni internazionali e cooperazione allo sviluppo (RICS)
- Italiano per l'insegnamento a stranieri (Itas)
Course list:
3) Ordinary courses in Italian Language and Culture for Foreigners
Erasmus tutors
Every Degree and Master Degree course on offer has its own Erasmus tutor. The tutor provides support to erasmus incoming students when students need to finalize the choise of the subjects they intend to follow and change to the original learning agreement.
Erasmus students are invited to contact the Erasmus tutors upon their arrival in order to arrange a meeting to discuss the personal study plan.
- Tutors contacts list (doc)
Courses schedule
The schedule of the courses on offer is officially published in september (courses of the Fall semester) and in February (courses of the Spring semester).
The overall list of the subjects available in each semester is published a few days before the beginning of the academic semester, students are strongly advised to check the availability of the subjects indicated in their learning agreement immediately after their arrival in Perugia and fill in the “changes to the learning agreement” within 30 days by the Erasmus starting date.
Since you might decide to choose subjects from several semesters and different degree programs, it is likely that you will have time clashes. The attendance of the classes is only required for some few subjects, we recommend consulting with the teacher of each subjects at the beginning of the courses in order to receive the necessary information about the exam, the course program and all other useful information.
IMPORTANT: Students are invited to read carefully the document "Steps to fill in the Learning Agreement for studies"
Language requirements
The official language of istruction is Italian; if not diffently indicated in the specific Inter-Institutional Agreement with the home University, the minimum inguistic required for incoming insternational students to attend university courses is B1/B2 of the Common European Framework for Languages - CEFR. A limited number of units is also offered in English language, the minimum linguistic level required is B1/B2.
Before coming to Italy, please make sure that you have the following documents:
Citizens from EU Member Countries:
- identity card or passport (valid for the entire period of stay abroad);
- assignment declaration for the Erasmus+ mobility grant;
- E111 form or European Health Card (TEAM) for medical assistance.
Citizens of non-EU member countries (Turkey):
- passport + visa for study purpose;
- assignment declaration for the Erasmus+ mobility grant;
- health insurance for medical assistance in Italy.
During the mobility period
Students have one-month time from the beginning of the mobility period to propose any possible modification to the learning agreement-before the mobility. To this aim it will be necessary to use the form named "learning agreement-during the mobility" that shall be firstly approved by the Erasmus coordinator of the home Institution; it shall only include units deleted or added respect to the original learning agreement before the mobility
Subject to availability, incoming students are offered the possibility of applying for a place in the University Residences cared by the Adisu (Agency for the Right of Study in Umbria) at advantageous prices. Students interested in applying for a place are advised to contact the secretary office for the language courses writing to: corsidilingua@unistrapg.it well in advance the beginning of the mobility period.
The staff of the Erasmus and International Mobility office (Palazzo Gallenga, fist floor) is the reference point for any administrative matter concerning the Erasmus mobility. The tutors of each Degree and Mster Degree course, with the coordination of the Erasmus instititional coordinator, are the references point for any aspect concerning the didactic and training activities to complete during the mobility.