Library and reading rooms

Immagine della sala lettura di Palazzo Gallenga


  Where we are

Palazzina Valitutti, Piazza Giorgio Spitella, 3 - 06122 - Perugia

Mailing address: Piazza Fortebraccio, 4 - 06123 - Perugia
biblioteca (at)

The library of the University for Foreigners is located at Palazzina Valitutti, in Parco Santa Margherita, Via Carlo Manuali, 3. It specialises in Literature and History, Etruscan Studies, Italian Art History, Linguistics, Anthropology, Law, Communication Sciences and Political Sociology. It has over 85,000 volumes and over 150 current, Italian and foreign periodicals.

It also contains manuals and textbooks listed in official Ateneo course syllabi. The Library adheres to the National Library Service (SBN), which provides access to the reference databases of all participating Italian libraries and more. Two reading rooms are open to users: one on the Campus in Via Carlo Manuali (Palazzina Valitutti), and the other on the 2nd floor of Palazzo Gallenga.

In the latter, it is possible to consult volumes from collections donated to the Univeristy by the “Gallenga Stuart Schunk”, “Schnabl-Rossi” and “Pittola” families. The two reading rooms are equipped with PCs for consulting catalogues, databases, electronic resources, CDs and DVDs for Italian courses; Wi-Fi internet connection; electrical outlets for plugging in personal computers; and a self-service photocopying machine.

In keeping with an agreement with The University of Perugia, students of the University for Foreigners have free access to the University of Perugia libraries and all the services they offer. Library services include in house consultation of bibliographic materials; material check-out; interlibrary loans (ILL) and Document delivery (DD), for requesting books, essays and articles from foreign and other Italian libraries; and photocopying.

The Library OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) gives access to the majority of the Library's collection.