Anno di corso: | I |
Semestre: | II |
Docente: | Emidio Diodato |
SSD: | SPS/04 |
CFU: | 9 |
Carico di lavoro globale: | 225 ore |
Ripartizione del carico di lavoro: | 60 ore di lezione e 165 ore di studio individuale |
Pagina LOL con materiale didattico digitale dell'insegnamento. |
Basic knowledge of the topics covered in the three-year degree courses Comparative Politics (Democratic Regimes and Autocracies, Institutions and Levels of Government, Political Systems and Decision Making) and International Relations (Traditions of Thought and Methodological Debates, International Institutions and Regimes, International Security). Comprehension of oral and written English at least at CEFR level B2.
Obiettivi formativi - Risultati di apprendimento attesi
The course aims to:
- provide the theoretical basis for the analysis of international politics;
- develop a solid background on the political institutions of the major countries operating on the international scene, delving into their foreign policies, problems related to economic and financial crises, global security issues and the role of the European Union;
- enhancing the terminology for analysing international policy;
- give specific skills on democratization processes and global politics, with specific reference to conflict risks and opportunities for cooperation, in order to develop a critical and autonomous capacity;
- giving the tools to carry out autonomous research on areas of crisis and development in international relations.
Contenuto del corso
- Traditions, frameworks, models, and theories of international politics;
- International security from the Cold War to the present time;
- International political economics from the liberal world order to today;
- The European Union in the post-bipolar world.
Seminar-based geopolitical analyses of specific regional systems.
Metodi didattici
TEACHING METODHS For "attending" students Lectures and seminar meetings. Lessons of 2 hours will take place three days a week. Seminar meetings will take place in the second part of the course. They provide for the active participation of students by sharing readings, presenting projects on specific topics, and conducting simulations of international negotiations and political debates. For "non-attending" students A presentation of the course will take place via Teams.
The digital platforms LOL and Teams will be used, including for distance learning methods according to the indications developed by the CdS.
Metodi di accertamento
Active participation is subject to assessment in itinere, particularly for the acquisition of the international lexicon and specific skills. At the end of the course, there will be an oral examination of about 30 minutes to test the acquired theoretical and empirical basis for the analysis of international politics.
Attending students may prepare a topic of their choice on global politics, with specific reference to the risks of conflict and opportunities for cooperation, in order to prove their critical and independent ability.
For non-attending students, lecture slides and additional background materials for seminar meetings will be available on LOL. Compensatory or dispensation measures will be provided to students with Specific Learning Disorders (SLD), as certified by the document filed with the Segreteria Studenti. Requests will be assessed on a case-by-case basis. For adapting the programme/assessment methods, students should set up a time to discuss with the lecturer. Please, get in touch well in advance also via the "Commissione per le differenze e l’inclusione" ( ).
Testi di esame
REQUIRED BOOKS For attending students Jackson, Robert, Sørensen, Georg, Introduction to International Relations: Theories and Approaches, Oxford University Press, 2021
For non-attending students Jackson, Robert, Sørensen, Georg, Introduction to International Relations: Theories and Approaches, Oxford University Press, 2021 Diodato, E. e F. Niglia, Berlusconi ‘The Diplomat’. Populism and foreign policy in Italy, Palgrave MacMillan, 2019.
Testi di consultazione e approfondimento
ADDITIONAL READINGS During the course period, students will find additional materials on LOL.
Altre informazioni
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Regular class attendance is required for full-time students.