fbpx Scheda insegnamento | Università per Stranieri di Perugia

Scheda insegnamento

Anno di corso: III
Semestre: II
Docente: Federico Niglia
CFU: 3
Carico di lavoro globale: 75 ore
Ripartizione del carico di lavoro: 38 ore di lezione e 37 ore di studio individuale
 Pagina LOL con materiale didattico digitale dell'insegnamento.


No specific prerequisites are required, except for a basic knowledge of the B2 English language and for a general knowledge of the main events, theories and interpretation of contemporary and international history of the 20th century.

Obiettivi formativi - Risultati di apprendimento attesi

Students attending the Laboratory will achieve the following objectives: A) Knowledge and comprehension a. Become familiar with the theory and practice of scenario analysis and planning. b. Understand the interplay the different factors shaping international events and relations. B) Ability to apply the acquired knowledge and understanding: a. Provide a critical analysis of the main events diplomatic, political and military international events. b. Develop a bag of analytical and practical tools to critically address selected case studies.

  • The objectives of the course are in line with the requirements of the SUA document adopted by the CdS.

Contenuto del corso

This course will consist in a number a simulated and role-played activities. During the course participants will engage in the simulation of historical and current case studies (diplomatic negotiations, war and conflict-related simulations etc.). Participants will be asked to make a practical use of diplomatic rules and practices. At the same time, students will make use of cartographic and other techniques.

Metodi didattici

Full-time students Lecture-based with discussions. Simulation of a case study under the coordination of the Professor (material will be given by the instructor using the LOL-Platform) Non-attending students non-attending students will have to contact the Professor for additional readings.

Metodi di accertamento

Attending students The assessment will consist of an evaluation of the participation in the simulation.

Non-attending students Final oral exam on the readings/materials given by the instructor through the LOL-Platform.

The frequency of the Course online platform Web Class’ use by both attending and non-attending students will be regularly checked.

For students with certifications of disability or DSA, examination arrangements will be agreed in relation to specific needs, after consultation with the Commission for Differences and Inclusion.

Testi di esame

Full-time students

  • Materials distributed by the instructor at the beginning of the course through the LOL-Platform.

Not-attending students

  • Materials distributed by the instructor at the beginning of the course through the LOL-Platform.

Testi di consultazione e approfondimento

Materials distributed by the instructor at the beginning of the course through the LOL-Platform.

Altre informazioni

For any further information please contact the instructor: Federico Niglia (federico.niglia@unistrapg.it)