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Transferring from/to another University

Transferring from another University

Students intending to transfer from another university to the University for Foreigners of Perugia must go to the Academic Office at the university of origin, inquire about the possibility of transferring and initiate the process.

Enrolment into the University for Foreigners of Perugia can take place only once the Academic Office has received all the relevant documentation from the University of origin.

When enrolling, the student must also present a transcript listing all the exams passed along with a self-certification.

The request will be evaluated by University authorities tasked with assessing the eligibility of such applications. Transfers are only allowed at times indicated on this website.

Transferring to another University

An enrolled student intending to transfer from the University for Foreigners of Perugia to another University, must present a request to do so, attaching all the documentation listed in the “Transferring to/from other Universities” page of the University website.

From the date of transfer request submittal onwards, the student cannot take any more exams for course credit.

Once the transfer procedure has been completed, the student cannot return to the University for Foreigners of Perugia until at least one year has passed from request submittal.

Transfers are only allowed at times indicated on this website.

Changing from one University for Foreigners of Perugia diploma course to another

Students can request to change from one Course to another by submitting a request to the Academic Office and paying the relevant fee. Concomitantly, it is also possible to request the transfer of exam credits from the old course to the new.

This request is subject to approval by University authorities tasked with evaluating such requests. Course changes are only allowed at times indicated on this website.

Specialization change

Students can also request a change in specialization within a given course, as long as it remains active. The request must be made no later than the beginning of the last year of the course and is subject to approval.

Interruption of Studies

If enrolment is not renewed for at least one entire academic year, even if no formal withdrawal has been made, the studies will be interrupted (not to be confused with suspension of studies). In line with enrolment terms, to continue studying, the student must submit a request to resume university studies.

The procedure requires the payment of a fee in the amount indicated in the Manifesto degli Studi (Student Prospectus) available on the University website and is directly proportional to the number of years the interruption was in place.

During an interruption of studies, one cannot perform any study-related activities or take advantage of any student or administrative services.

Suspension of Studies

Students enrolled in three-year/Master degree courses, can ask to suspend their academic studies for one or more academic years only for the following reasons:

  • serious health reasons (supported by a medical certificate)
  • the birth of a child, applicable to the academic year corresponding or following the presumed date of birth (the suspension can be requested by either parent)
  • civil service to be carried out in the academic year for which the request is being made
  • grave personal or family reasons

During a suspension of studies, one cannot perform any study-related activities (take exams, request a transfer, etc.) and must return the student record book when submitting the request for suspension.

A suspension can only be granted to students in good administrative standing in the academic years preceding the suspension.

To resume studying, the student must submit a request following instructions indicated in the Manifesto degli Studi (Student Prospectus) available on this website.

Ban on Concomitant Enrolment

It is not possible to enrol concomitantly in more than one of the following University courses:

  • Three-year Degree
  • Master Degree
  • Research Doctorate
  • Specialization Course
  • Master (I or II level)
  • Completion course lasting at least 1500 hours and worth at least 60 credits

Withdrawing from University

Withdrawal is a formal, individual act that cannot be delegated, expressing one’s wish to cease studies via an official request.

The submittal of a withdrawal request terminates one’s student status, which means no additional study-related activities can be performed and student and administrative services are no longer accessible.

Students that have withdrawn from the University for Foreigners of Perugia or another university in the past can subsequently re-apply for admission to the course withdrawn from or another three-year/Master’ degree course.

They can also request the recognition of credits accrued during the initial enrolment. Such a request will be evaluated by University authorities tasked with assessing such requests. It should be noted that the non-payment of university tuition and fees does not in itself constitute an act of withdrawal.

Loss of Student Status

The loss of student status can occur in the following cases:

  • if enrolled in courses of study set up following regulations in force before the educational reform of Ministerial Decree D.M. 509/99, any student, even if officially studying beyond the course length, who has not passed an exam in eight consecutive years will lose his/her student status
  • if enrolled in courses set up in line with Ministerial Decrees 509/99 and 270/2004, if not explicitly stated otherwise by the University, any university student who has not passed an exam in all of its parts for a number of years twice the official length of the course of study will lose his/her student status

In addition, regardless of the regulations relating to individual study courses, students interrupting their courses of study for periods longer than three consecutive academic years will lose their student status.

Following loss of student status, one cannot perform any study-related activities or take advantage of any student or administrative services; in addition, one can no longer request transfers or course changes.