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Qualifications obtained abroad

The academic qualifications obtained abroad can be evaluated for the purpose of:

Enrolling in courses U/G and P/G and master courses in Italy

In that case, the assessment is made under Article. 2 of Law 148/2002 literally reading as follows: "The responsibility for the recognition of the cycles and periods of study carried out abroad and of foreign qualifications, for access to higher education, further education and Italian university degrees, is attributed to the universities and institutions of higher education, this exercise as part of their autonomy and in accordance with its law, subject to bilateral agreements."

Please refer to the Ministry of Education Circular No. 602 of 18/5/2011, for the measures regarding documentation, modes, etc. Students holding a degree obtained abroad have to respect such regulations to enroll in Italian universities.

Students holding a degree obtained abroad have to respect such regulations to enroll in Italian universities.

For more information, visit: http://www.studiare-in-italia.it/studentistranieri/.

Recognition for professional purposes

Those who are in possession of a professional qualification obtained abroad must obtain recognition by the competent Italian authorities in order to be able to exercise in Italy the ‘regulated’ corresponding profession, the exercise of which is governed by national law.

Italy recognizes professional qualifications of foreign applying:

  • Community legislation to the qualifications of EU origin (question of Directive 2005/36 / EC, which provides for the recognition of foreign profession: the Italian competent authorities may make the recognition of a compensatory measure an aptitude test or an adaptation period)
  • Presidential Decree 394/99, Art. 49-50, and the subsequent Presidential Decree 334/04 qualifications of non-EU origin. The legislative decrees mentioned extend to securities non-EU the possibility of professional recognition through compensatory measures

For "professional capacity" means that the title in the country of issuance gives the right to pursue a particular regulated profession.

Participation in public competitions

Italian citizens or EU country holding a qualification obtained abroad may participate in competitions for access to the Italian government through a process of recognition of qualifications carried out by art. 38 of Legislative Decree 165/2001 and aims to evaluate the 'equivalence between the asset held and qualification required for admission to the competition. The entity responsible for the assessment of the equivalence of foreign qualification is the Prime Minister's Office - Department of Public Administration - Office PPA - Recruiting Service, Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 116-00186 Rome.

The equivalence is a complex form of academic recognition. It is based on analytical evaluation of a higher education qualification foreign and aims to verify whether it corresponds in detail, how to level and content, to an equivalent degree the Italian university. If so the title is called equivalent, it acquires the same "weight" legal and, for that reason, it is stated "equivalent". Otherwise, the University may decide that the issue of the applicant has to bear, upon registration, a number of tests and acquire the related credits.

More information on the application for recognition and on the equivalence can be found at the University that provides the title of interest.

For more complete and comprehensive information on the recognition of qualifications with followed abroad: www.cimea.it - www.enic-naric.net.