Italian language and culture (LiCI)

A partire dall'anno accademico 2020-2021 il corso non sarà più attivato, proseguirà ad esaurimento per il completamento del corso di studi degli studenti già iscritti.
Gli studenti interessati a questo ambito di studi possono iscriversi al nuovo corso di laurea in Digital Humanities per l’italiano.

The three-year Bachelor's Degree Course in Italian Language and Culture is designed for students who wish to disseminate and popularize the various aspects, both synchronic and diachronic, of Italian language and culture abroad, in schools and institutions of all categories and levels.

The course is structured into two curricula:

the Teaching Italian Language and Culture (LiCI-In) programme has been designed to train teachers in the education of the Italian language and culture to foreigners. It offers solid and specific training in the fields of linguistics/philology and didactic methods to teach Italian as a second language. It also includes specific linguistic and inter-cultural training for teaching Italian L2.

the Promotion of the Italian Language and Culture throughout the world (LiCI-P) programme trains operators in the field of language, culture and Italian civilisation promotion. Graduates will be qualified for jobs in schools, companies, Italian cultural institutes, embassies, cultural institutes, foundations and museums. Another career opportunity is as linguistic-cultural facilitator, a professional figure which also requires economic and legal training and the knowledge of at least three languages, two of which are European and the third to be chosen between Chinese, Japanese.

Educational goals
  • acquire in-depth knowledge of Italian knowledge and culture through an interdisciplinary approach
  • obtain deeper knowledge of Italian art history and literature and the relative influence of these on European culture
  • develop methodological, theoretical and critical training in Italian and Romance philological and linguistic studies
  • acquire knowledge of international historical phenomena with special focus on Italy
  • gain knowledge of the language as an object of empirical investigation and the different levels of its structure (phonetic, morphological, syntactic and semantic)
  • develop skills in the fields of foreign language teaching and intercultural communication
  • develop an adequate method of critical analysis of historical-literary facts/texts and artistic works
  • acquire knowledge of English and Spanish and of a non-European language of choice

Professional opportunities

The graduate will be able to work in the fields of education and promotion of Italian language and civilization, linguistic-cultural mediation and also in the fields of cultural heritage and international cooperation. Employment opportunities will be in: schools and universities abroad, Italian diplomatic institutions abroad, Italian diplomatic offices, institutions and businesses operating transnationally, as well as companies, local authorities, associations and non-profit organizations in Italy.

The positions that the graduate will be qualified to hold are the following:

  • teacher of Italian as a non-mother tongue language in private institutions in Italy and public and private Institutions abroad
  • language expert for teaching support
  • linguistic-cultural mediator in public and private schools in Italy and abroad
  • consultant at institutions that promote Italian language and culture