fbpx Insurance coverage for accidents | University for Foreigners of Perugia

Insurance coverage for accidents

The University for Foreigners Perugia guarantees insurance cover for its students with a Accident Policy, for the period from 31.03.2018 to 31.12.2022, with the following insured amounts.

For students enrolled in degree, masters or postgraduate specialisation courses and for foreign students enrolled in Italian language courses:

  • compensation of up to €100,000.00 for accidents causing permanent invalidity
  • compensation of up to €100,000.00 for accidents resulting in death
  • compensation for medical expenses of up to €2,500.00 per event

For students with a 150 hour employment contract, doctorate research students, post-doctorate researchers, grant-funded researchers and similar categories, as well as for interns under Law 196/1997:

  • compensation of up to €155,000.00 for accidents causing permanent invalidity
  • compensation of up to €155,000.00 for accidents resulting in death
  • compensation for medical expenses of up to €2,500.00 per even

For damages involuntarily caused by students to a third party for death, bodily injury or damage to property, in the context of institutional activities, liability insurance is valid from 31/12/2017 to 31/12/2022. Insurance coverage affects students enrolled in undergraduate, graduate, undergraduate and postgraduate courses and further training as well as foreign students enrolled in Italian courses, students with collaboration agreement (150 hours), students, PhD students, post graduate students, postdocs, research fellows and categories assimilated and interns ex l. 196/1997.

If necessary, further information can be obtained by referencing the dott.ssa Barbara Pirisinu, at the service of the local legal Litigation and contracts of the University, on the fifth floor of Palazzo Gallenga, by phone at +39 075 57 46 285 or in person by appointment. Requests may also be sent via email to the address: contenzioso@unistrapg.it.