Health care for foreign students

In Italy the health care of foreigners is regulated by international conventions. International students are guaranteed health care cover in two different ways, depending on their EU citizenship.

EU Students

Students from the European Community and temporarily in Italy for study can benefit from health care in Italy. Students before departure must ask the competent health authority of the national country of residence the TEAM card (Tessera Europea di Assistenza Malattia) or the Certificate Replacement of the card.

The TEAM or the Certificate of Substitute TEAM allows first-aid and medi-care necessary for the period of stay in our territory.

With this document students have direct access to all the structures of the National Health System (general practitioners, primary care physician, emergency room, hospitalization etc.) For the services mentioned above and for the entire period of the course.

If you do not possess these documents, expenses are charged on students.

Students from non-EU countries

To benefit from health services, non-EU students must underwrite insurance cover against the risk of illness, injury and maternity either by:

  • underwriting an insurance policy with an Italian or foreign insurance company, valid in Italy
  • by voluntary registering in the National Health Service: Service extends to family members (Art. 34, para. 3, Decree 07/25/98)

To register for the National Health Service there is a fee, as co-payment: an annual contribution on total income earned in the previous year in Italy and / or abroad.

The contribution for voluntary registration is valid for a calendar year from January 1 to December 31, it cannot be split and has no retroactive effect. For students with no income other than grants or subsidies received by Italian public instituions contribution totals to flat rate of 700,00 €.

The payment of the contribution must be made by money order c / c order payable to the Region of Umbria.

Documentation to be submitted to the Office Foreign Assistance:

  • Residence permit for study or, pending issuance, passport with student visa and receipt of the request of a residence permit
    Students staying for less than three months are not obliged to request the residence permit is required to submit a copy of the declaration of presence given authority of the border or from the superintendent.
  • Certificate of Registration at the University or self-certification (if residents)
  • Certificate issued by the competent foreign authorities (Embassy or Consulate) proving the incomes earned during the year preceding enrollment or self-certification.
  • Declaration of current residence

Futher information:

Sito web regionale per l’assistenza agli stranieri

Ufficio Assistenza Estero del Distretto Perugino
Piano terra Poliambulatorio Europa Via dei Filosofi n. 9 – Perugia
tel. 075 5412916 Sig.ra Gabriella Melis gabriella.melis (at)
Orari e sedi Medici di Medicina Generale Distretto Perugino alla sezione Servizi

Guardia Medica di Perugia
Via Della Pallotta 42, tel. 075 36584 - 075 34024

Consultorio giovani
Via XIV Settembre n. 75, tel. 075 5412644 - 075 5412603

Sportello informativo gratuito "SE-SO"
Centro servizi Giovani del Comune di Perugia - via Settevalli 11 (area Ottagono, dietro alla Stazione Ferroviaria di Fontivegge), tel. 075 5005742
Servizio di ascolto e aiuto, dove personale qualificato ed esperto è pronto ad accogliere le diverse richieste e dove è possibile confrontarsi, chiarire dubbi, parlare liberamente e in assoluta riservatezza
Numero Verde 800689606 csg (at)

Servizio psicologico giovani
Via XIV Settembre n.75, tel. 075 5412603 psicologicogiovani (at)

Centro di salute 3
Perugia Centro Via XIV Settembre, 75, tel. 075 5412642 (Responsabile) 075 5412407 (Ufficio Amministrativo) 075 5412641 (Ambulatorio Infermieristico)

Ambulatorio immigrati
Perugia Centro Via XIV Settembre, 75, tel. 075 5412616

Centro di salute mentale
Perugia Centro Via XIV Settembre, 83, tel. 075 5412712

Servizio tossicodipendenze
P.le Menghini Ospedale S.Maria della Misericordia, tel. 075 5271372 - 5280894
sert (at)

Servizio mediazione culturale
Servizio finalizzato a favorire l'interazione e l'informazione del paziente straniero nel contesto sanitario, facilitare la comprensione degli aspetti comportamentali/culturali tra l'utenza straniera ed il personale sanitario. Tel. 075 5412094.