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Prenatal Educator for conscious parenting


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First European Multidisciplinary University course on the topic of prenatal life, with the participation of experts of national and international caliber.

I Edition Academic Year 2014-2015

The Prenatal Educator is a new Professional in the medical, psychological and social field. Caring for the months of pregnancy means not only investing in the global health of the unborn, but also supporting the construction of peace for the entire community.

The most prominent scholars in the medical, psychological, and socio political arena have clearly established the existence of significant correlations between the social and psychological and physical discomfort suffered by mothers during pregnancy, and the unborn’s emotional, relational and psychomotoric disabilities. As a matter of fact a pregnancy lived consciously in harmonious and positive contexts leads to the child’s wellbeing and harmony, with positive repercussions on the entire social fabric.

The latest scientific studies indisputably prove that the psychological well being of each individual is also determined by the physical and mental state of the mother during gestation. Not merely the mother but rather both parents, with their emotional and mental states, with their physical condition, their diet, the quality of their relationships and their way of life, may influence the quality and state of the newborn’s overall health, including therefore his character and his cognitive abilities.

" The redemption and salvation of the world depends on the moral and cultural elevation of the status of women, since it is in the womb that the destiny of the new generations is forged " Gandhi

The Call for admission to the Course will be released in the month of January 2015.


Focusing on Prenatal Education and Peace-building, the course provides a series of top professional skills, also to professionals who already work in medical and paramedical contexts, to provide them with a range of additional skills that can be summarized as follows:

  • Medical and scientific knowledge with practical use
  • Psychological and sociological skills
  • Practices and protocols for prevention and prenatal and perinatal therapy
  • Socioeconomic, political, legal, historical and cultural skills aimed at understanding the links between parenting awareness and prevention and conflict transformation

Career opportunities

The multidisciplinary nature of the course implies that it is aimed at professionals in the medical, paramedical and obstetrician fields, and even at psychologists, social workers and staff of governmental and non-governmental organizations operating in territories in conflict. It is therefore intended also to all those who interact in highly aggressive contexts of social unrest and social conflicts.

Course organization

The course has a duration of six months, from the end of April 2015 to October 2015, and offers for a total of 500 hours as described below:

  • 104 hours of didactic activity in sessions organized in one day during the week and 6 week ends
  • 396 hours of self-study and preparation of a project work for the final exam

This overall commitment affords

  • 20 CFU (University credits)
  • 31.6 Crediti ECM (CME credits) for those eligible (for the acquisition of CME credits you need to follow the IVth and Vth forms; the exact procedure is indicated in the Course Announcement)

    Immagine tratta dal sito age.na.s

Didactic schedule

In progress.

Course Syllabus

  • Philosophical, historical, political and cultural background
  • Legal and economic aspects: the protection of maternity rights in the international system Sociopolitical and psychosocial aspects: prevention and reduction of social problems and transformation of social conflicts
  • New scientific perspectives in medicine
  • Aspects of transpersonal psychology and psycholinguistics in prenatal education
  • Pedagogical aspects Prenatal Education: educating to being
  • Psychological dimension of the genealogy family
  • Learning practices and protocols for the prenatal and perinatal period
  • Practical workshops of music, dancing and singing during gestation
  • Preparation of project works
  • Final test

Registration Fees

(for details see the Announcement)

  • Regular Students and Auditors: € 900.00
  • Students enrolled only to ECM modules: € 450.00


  • The City of Scandicci (Department of Education) allocates 1 Partial scholarship of € 300,00.
  • The Associazione Imprenditrici e Donne Dirigenti d’Azienda (The Association of Women Entrepreneurs and Corporate Executives) (AIDDA) allocates 1 Partial scholarship of € 300,00.
  • The Omraam Foundation Onlus , among the founders of the course, allocates 3 Partial scholarships of € 300,00 each.

The Lecturers

The classes will be taught by accredited Lecurers in the medical, psychological, and socio-political profession, and by Professors of the Università per Stranieri di Perugia, University of Florence, of Siena, of Milan Bicocca and the Catholic University of Rome. The Foreign teachers will lecture in English or French, but will be translated into Italian:

Lidia Costamagna (Università per Stranieri di Perugia), Marcello Buiatti (Università di Firenze), Enrico Cheli (Università di Siena), Roberto Giuffrida (Università per Stranieri di Perugia), Silvia Guetta (Università di Firenze), Agnès Lejbowicz (adjunct professor and doctor in Philosophy – France), Cristina Antoniazzi (Università di Siena), Alix Zorrillo (Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca), Daniele Garella (Conserv. L. Mascagni, Livorno), Ioanna Mari (Consigliere di Stato onorario della Grecia e Presidente O.m.a.e.p.), Gheorghe Anton (O.m.a.e.p.), Lavinia Nanu (O.m.a.e.p.), Mario Cassan (A.i.p.), Sonia Faccia (A.i.p.), Iris Franceschini (Fondazione Holiversity Onlus), Evelyn Disseau (A.n.e.p. Italia), Anna Meazza (A.i.p.a.p.f.), Maria Gabriella De Capitani Vimercati (A.i.p.a.p.f.), Laura Uplinger (A.p.p.p.a.h.), Giuseppe Noia (Università Cattolica Roma), Manuela Sabrina Valenti (Emergency), Maurizio Giannelli (Istituto Scientifico Intervision).

Director in charge of the Course

Carlo Belli, Università per Stranieri di Perugia

Scientific Committee

Carlo Belli (Università per Stranieri di Perugia)
carlo.belli (at) unistrapg.it // +39 339 5416934

Enrico Cheli (Università di Siena)
cheli (at) unisi.it

Marcello Buiatti (Università di Firenze)
marcello.buiatti (at) unifi.it


Opening day
Sala Goldoniana di Palazzo Gallenga (sede dell’Università per Stranieri di Perugia), P.zza Fortebraccio 4, 06123, Perugia
All following weekends
Villa di Vico, Via del Lago 26, 50018, Scandicci, (Fi)


Servizio Master e Alta formazione
Tel. +39 075 57 46 274 - 275 - 334 - 335 - 202
Fax + 39 075 57 46 202
master (at) unistrapg.it


The course is organized in agreement with:


Logo AIP
A.I.P. (Accademia Internazionale di Psicogenealogia)

A.I.P.A.P.F. (Associazione Italiana Professionale di AudioPsicoFonologia) 

Logo Emergency


Logo Fondazione Omraam
Fondazione Omraam Onlus


Logo Holiversity
Fondazione Holiversity Onlus 


Logo Intervision
Istituto Scientifico Intervision 


OMAEP (Organisation Mondiale des Associations pour l’Éducation Prénatale, la maggiore Organizzazione non governativa mondiale dedicata all’Educazione prenatale, che gode di uno Statuto consultivo speciale, con propri osservatori, presso l’ECOSOC, Consiglio Economico e Sociale delle Nazioni Unite)


Advocacy by

Logo Regione Umbria - Assemblea legislativa
Assemblea Regionale della Regione Umbria

Logo Provincia di Perugia
Provincia di Perugia

CIRPAC (Centro Interuniversitario di Ricerca per la Pace, l’Analisi e la Mediazione dei Conflitti)

Logo Università degli studi di Firenze
Dipartimento di Scienze della Formazione e Psicologia dell’Università di Firenze

Logo Comune di Montespertoli
Comune di Montespertoli

Logo Comune di Scandicci
Comune di Scandicci

Immagine tratta dal sito Mali-Kinderhilfe
Mali Kinderhilfe